Saturday, September 27, 2014

Russian Government Should Stop Blaming U.S. For Russian Inferiority Complex: Get Your Own House in Order, President Putin

The Russian inferiority complex was on full display at the United Nations, with the Russian foreign minister blaming NATO, the West and the U.S. for destabilizing the world and interfering with Russian affairs.

He was referring to the illegal Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory, of course, and the Western and Arab decision to deal with the ISIS problem in Iraq and Syria.   Putin’s also still seething about the Kosovo declaration of independence from Serbia and the quick Western recognition of Kosovo as a new nation.  He’s also angry that the South Ossetian declaration of independence from Georgia has only been recognized by Russia and a couple of Russian allies.

Then there was the statement that the U.S. had to abandon it’s claim of “eternal uniqueness.”  This guy needs to go back to grade school and learn that everyone is unique, and so is every nation.  We teach our Young 5s to play nice with others, and to share.  Russia’s the bully on the playground, taking other people’s stuff and breaking what it can’t have, like a petulant child.  For a Russian strongman, he sure has thin skin.

Putin’s just upset that he can’t pull out the carving knife and start slicing off parts of other nations without economic consequences.  The Russian ruble is down sharply since they started using their carving knife against Ukraine, and that’s probably going to worsen if Russia doesn’t start behaving and being a good neighbor.

Friday, September 19, 2014

President Obama Should Stop Deployment of U.S. Troops to Ebola-Hit Countries: It’s Too Little, Too Late and Not a Proper Mission for the U.S. Military

Mistake after mistake has been made in the fight to contain the Ebola virus currently rampaging across Western Africa, and President Obama made a big one in deciding to send American troops into Ebola-ravaged country to “fight” it.

They have no business there.

Medical professionals are getting hit by the virus as well, so why send ground troops there and expose more Americans to it?    They should have been setting up field hospitals many weeks ago, if they wanted to take that course, but now it’s almost too late.   The victims number in the tens of thousands.  

We need to impose a blockade on air travel to the U.S. and Europe from Africa, to stop the spread of Ebola.  That’s what the U.S. military should be doing.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

If Global Warming is “Settled Science,” Then Why Does the Scientific Community Keep Changing the Data Around to Suit Their Needs? This is Why There Are SO Many Global Warming Skeptics---They Can’t Trust The Data That The Alarmists Are Presenting

Global warming skeptics cannot trust any data coming from the global warming alarmists, as the latter keeps changing the data or suppressing new data that proves that their theories are nothing but hot air.

If the data from the alarmists were genuine, they could present it immediately, and without data alterations or changing how they read the information.   And it would be accepted by all—as-is.

The term “settled science” throws out the much-vaunted scientific method, which involves  forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and so forth.   All they’ve given to us is a whole lot of hot air that they themselves have been generating about their “settled science.”

This is what happens when politics mixes with science: HOGWASH!

They prepare hockey stick data, falsified data, omitted data, changed data, ignored data, and when all else fails---name calling the skeptics.  Al Gore is an expert at this, and he’s the worst of the lot.  Then they “correct” the data when skeptics blast the incomplete or incorrect data full of holes.

If they’d simply present their data in an unbiased form, we might be able to come to some kind of consensus.   But the alarmists are trying to ramrod shoddy information down everyone’s throats, in the hope that their half-baked theories convince a public that they hope is dumbed down enough to believe it.

Just present the data—as-is—and let the rest tend to itself.  If the data is truthful, many would be more inclined to look at it.   Those involved with the data manipulation should no longer be involved in the discussion or research.  They’re political hacks, not legitimate scientists.

If global warming is going on, these discredited alarmists have sabotaged their own cause.  They can’t blame the skeptics for that.  The responsibility is theirs.    Does anyone in the alarmism ranks even remember the scientific method?

Monday, September 01, 2014

Biden Uses the “Let’s Take Back America” Quote That President Obama and Secretary Holder Think is Racist: Biden Gets a Pass From the Left on This Too, But the Next Republican to Say the Same Thing Will Be Greeted With Screams of “RACIST!” and “RESIGN!!”

Once again, we see the racial double standard in play on the left.  Vice President Biden used the “Let’s take back America” line that President Obama and Eric Holder think is racist.  And nothing is being said by the left.

This begs the question…is this statement racist or not?   I think not.   This is the line that both parties use when they’re not in power or lose a bitterly contested election.

Another question…who is Biden suggesting we take the country back from?  The liberal arm of the Democratic Party, to which he belongs?  What an excellent idea!   I’ll bet someone in the White House communications office was facepalming when they heard Biden utter those words.

Waiting to see what the left will do when a Republican suggests the same thing down the road.   It’s a no-brainer, especially when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get into the act.

Massive Breach of iCloud Security Leads to Hundreds of Celebrities Having Nude Photos Leaked Online: Why Did These Hollywood Stars Use iCloud to Store Nude Photos of Themselves?

The headline should read “Hollywood Celebrities Stupidly Store Nude Photos of Themselves on iCloud” or “Massive Security Breach Exposes Danger of Posting Nude Photos Online.”  These celebrities brought this down on themselves.

I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for these actors and actresses who naively posted their nude photos in iCloud.   Uploading these kinds of photos for storage purposes?   STUPID!

If someone else uploaded them without the celebrity’s consent or knowledge, then I do feel bad for them, but if they did it to themselves, that’s just too bad.   Internet safety rules and common sense apply to them as well. The top rule is this:

Never post a photo or revealing information you aren’t prepared to have the entire world to see, in high definition and in multiple places.

“Celebrity is as celebrity does.”  And celebrity does stupid!