Global warming skeptics cannot trust any data coming from the global warming alarmists, as the latter keeps changing the data or suppressing new data that proves that their theories are nothing but hot air.
If the data from the alarmists were genuine, they could present it immediately, and without data alterations or changing how they read the information. And it would be accepted by all—as-is.
The term “settled science” throws out the much-vaunted scientific method, which involves forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and so forth. All they’ve given to us is a whole lot of hot air that they themselves have been generating about their “settled science.”
This is what happens when politics mixes with science: HOGWASH!
They prepare hockey stick data, falsified data, omitted data, changed data, ignored data, and when all else fails---name calling the skeptics. Al Gore is an expert at this, and he’s the worst of the lot. Then they “correct” the data when skeptics blast the incomplete or incorrect data full of holes.
If they’d simply present their data in an unbiased form, we might be able to come to some kind of consensus. But the alarmists are trying to ramrod shoddy information down everyone’s throats, in the hope that their half-baked theories convince a public that they hope is dumbed down enough to believe it.
Just present the data—as-is—and let the rest tend to itself. If the data is truthful, many would be more inclined to look at it. Those involved with the data manipulation should no longer be involved in the discussion or research. They’re political hacks, not legitimate scientists.
If global warming is going on, these discredited alarmists have sabotaged their own cause. They can’t blame the skeptics for that. The responsibility is theirs. Does anyone in the alarmism ranks even remember the scientific method?
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