Sunday, October 12, 2014

Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program is Awful: The Food Has No Taste, the Kids Don’t Like It, and Schools Are Abandoning the Program and Federal Money to Purchase Food That Kids Will Eat

“Too far, too fast” seems to be echoing throughout many school districts across the country as the districts struggle to meet Federal standards on school lunch programs.  Some of the districts have opted out of the program to buy food that their students will actually eat.

Having eaten school meals over the last couple of years, including food that the district bought before and after the change in Federal standards went into effect, the food they offered before was better, in my opinion.  The pizza they served tasted like cardboard, no yogurt was available, the healthy choice chips that they offered were bland, and most of the items on their menu would not appear on most home menus.  Bleah!

Cut the sodium, by all means.  Cut the artificial flavoring too.  But they shouldn’t have to sacrifice basic good taste for healthy options.

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