Monday, December 28, 2015

Steve Harvey is Taking Too Much Blame for Miss Universe Disaster: Who Designed the Card That Set Harvey Up to Fail? He or She Should Be Taking Just As Much Blame

I don’t watch beauty pageants, and think they’re a waste of time unless Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell get into another feud over it.  But in this case, I’m making an exception because I like Steve Harvey.   He announced the wrong contestent had won and then had to painfully announce that another contestant had actually won.

Take a look at the card that they gave Harvey to read off of:


Now there’s a report out that the teleprompter that Harvey was reading off of was wrong as well.

Get off of Steve Harvey’s case, people.  The card above is clear as mud, and the teleprompter is never wrong…right President Obama?

Harvey’s mistake was the last in a string of mistakes made by others who need to share in the criticism.   Hope Trump and Rosie weigh in on this.   If they do, and Steve Harvey fires up his usual comic routine, it’ll provide all of us some much needed comic relief.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Here’s a Thought: What if Trump Won the GOP Nomination But Then Announced That He Was Running the Rest of the Race as an Independent?

That’s hard to imagine, but what if Donald Trump did take that step?

What legal options would the GOP have?   Is the nominee contractually bound to the party after accepting their nomination?   Would he have to decline the nomination?  I doubt the parties have a contingency plan for dealing with a nightmare scenario like that.  And it would be just like a vindictive Trump to force that kind of an issue.

I can’t see Trump leaving the GOP in a position to reorganize around a new candidate and challenge him if he were to start an independent run.

Trump’s in a position to destroy any chance of a GOP victory for the White House next year and decimate the national level organization.

Interesting thought.

On a side note, I’m not impressed with Lindsay Graham’s power of persuasion.   He’s being lead around by Trump too.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Trump is a Genius: Not Because of His Plan to Ban Muslims from Entering the Country, But Because He’s Forcing the ENTIRE Field to React to His Splash Statements

Donald Trump is a genius.  He’s leading the entire field around by the nose and kicking them in the butt at the same time.     No wonder his poll numbers have jumped.

He’s making fools out of the GOP.   Every politician who is reacting to his splash statements have fallen into a trap. 

His competitors have to stop allowing him to dictate what the next discussion will be.  If they want to win, they MUST get out in front of Trump and make their own waves.  Impress us.

Monday, December 07, 2015

U.S. Air Force Running Low on Munitions: Administration and Congress Needs to Pay Attention to Air Force Funding Requests

The Air Force announced that their stockpiles of missiles and bombs is getting a tad low, and that it might take up to four years to replenish the stockpiles to prewar levels.

They’ve dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles on ISIS, according to reports.

The Administration and Congress need to act to supply the Air Force with the kinds of munitions that they’re expending against ISIS, especially if it’s going to take a number of years to produce the needed weapons.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Finally, Someone With Guts to Stand Up to Russian Aggression: While the Loss of Life is Regrettable, the Russians Have Been Inflicting Casualties on People Fighting ISIS

Turkey shot down a Russian Air Force aircraft, and put Russia on notice that it won’t tolerate Russia’s blatant disregard for the airspace of other nations.

While I doubt that Russia will attack Turkey militarily, I can see diplomatic and economic reprisals in the near future. 

The last thing that Russia needs is a shooting war with NATO.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

With Possible ISIS Bomb Bringing Down Russian Airliner Over Sinai Peninsula, Perhaps Russians Will Get With the Program and Start Focusing on ISIS Exclusively Instead of Assad’s U.S.-Backed Enemies

One of the features of Russia’s air campaign in Syria has been that Russian jets have been rarely hitting ISIS targets , while focusing most of their targeting on President Assad’s U.S.-backed opposition.   Note the map below:

russian air strikes

Even though this map has not been updated since October 5th, the Russian targeting hasn’t changed a whole lot.  Reports of Russian air strikes on rebel controlled territory have been coming in daily.

But with a possible bomb onboard a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula, and with ISIS claiming credit for taking down the flight with over two hundred Russian citizens on board, perhaps the Russians will go after ISIS more, which is what they should have been doing from the very beginning. 

Assad’s fate can be decided later. 

ISIS is the bigger threat; that’s the narrative that the American and Russian governments need to agree on.   

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Carson is Partially Right, Though What He Probably Meant to Say Was that Sharia Law is Incompatible With the U.S. Constitution

Dr. Ben Carson created a furor when he said that Islam was not compatible with the U.S. Constitution.  I believe what he meant was that Sharia law is incompatible with Constitutional law.

All you have to do is look at the Preamble to the Constitution and then look at the plight of women already living under Sharia law, especially the type embraced by ISIS, the Taliban, Saudi Arabia (with their morality police), and other Islamic countries whose women are treated horribly.

And it doesn’t matter which flavor of Sharia law we’re talking about, whether it’s Shiite or Sunni.  It’s equally awful to women.

Liberty for all people is not possible under Sharia.  That makes it totally incompatible with life under the United States Constitution, which is common sense.  Wish Carson hadn’t stumbled over this issue.   

While the Constitution does not permit the specific banning of Sharia law, it does invalidate any laws that come into conflict with the Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the land.  That includes 12th century barbarism that our enemies want to impose on us.

I hope the courts remember that.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Some European Countries Now Under A Refugee Tsunami Once Criticized U.S. Moves on Illegal Immigration: Now They’re Doing What They Once Criticized to Deal With Their Own Problems

The wheel turns, does it not?

I’ve been watching the unfolding European drama on illegal immigration with great interest, and can’t help but think about those European nations that once harshly criticized U.S. moves to prevent what’s now enveloped Europe. 

U.S. immigration policies of the past have been dubbed “racist” and “fascist” by European governments, and over at the U.N.,  in particular the 2010 Arizona anti-alien laws which placed tough restrictions on illegal immigrants entering Arizona and finding work there.

Now some of these same European countries are following similar tracks to control the tidal wave of illegal immigration to their nations, and it’s making American liberals very uncomfortable.   European nations are rushing troops and police to their borders and shutting down their transportation systems to prevent movement of people.

That being said, there’s no easy answer to today’s problems and Europe is getting hit with a heavy dose of reality.   It may tear the EU apart far faster than anything else.

The West needs to do a far better job with their collaborative foreign policies, so that there’s less of an incentive for people to leave their home countries.  Why leave when one can earn a living and live in relative safety with family and friends in familiar surroundings?  That should be the Western goal, if they don’t want to absorb millions of new people.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Come Now, CNN: “Anchor Babies” is a Racist Term According to Liberals and Their Pro-Immigration Supporters, So Why Are You Allowing One of Your Web Site Commentators to Use the Term to Describe Conservatives?

Nice going, CNN.

One of their commentators dared to use the “anchor baby” label to describe conservatives in a new op-ed piece, which flies in the face of the official liberal party line against using the term in the ongoing immigration debate.

Is it a racist term, or is it not, CNN?  And if it is, someone owes everybody an apology.  If it’s not, they should still apologize for offending the feel-good crowd whose feelings are undoubtedly hurt by those words even appearing on a liberal news outlet’s web site.

Perhaps they should hold a funeral for this term too.  After all, it worked so well when they held a funeral for the “n” word in Detroit and elsewhere and symbolically buried the (real) racist term. 

So much for CNN’s pretense of impartiality.  Again.

Aren’t there more pressing stories to cover, instead of a news outlet making itself part of the news?

Monday, August 17, 2015

GOP and Democratic Presidential Nomination Fields are Weak Due to Top Draws Being Sideshow Distractions: Trump Makes Waves, and Hillary is Getting Smacked Around by Waves of Trouble

Donald Trump keeps drowning the other GOP candidates out, and Hillary Clinton is drowning in her own troubles.  

And if Trump is talking about throwing away $1 billion on his campaign, he isn’t going away anytime soon.   As an entertainer, Trump has no equal.  But his political skills are unproven, and his ability to deliver on promises that he’s making are questionable at best, except in one area: the economy.  I think he’s got the best chance out of all the candidates to turn things around in that area.

Hillary Clinton’s legal problems are continuing to mount, and her scheduled appearance before Congress next month to answer “all” questions seems to be a last-ditched effort to save her political career from smashing onto the rocks.  She seems to be putting herself in additional legal peril with this move.  

If Hillary is charged with a crime, Biden’s almost certain to jump in.  He has a certain credibility that Hillary does not have in the honesty department.   Gore is a one-issue candidate if he were to jump in.   He won’t get elected on a global warming platform. 

Sanders is a joke.  The first and only thing that he’s said that I totally agree with is this: he owes BlackLivesMatter no apology whatsoever.   They stormed his rally and should be apologizing to Sanders, not the other way around.    I totally disagree with Sanders on all of his other stands.  

The other GOP candidates need to be bold, and be themselves, not repackaged Democrats.  EVERY time a Republican tries to out-Democrat a Democrat, he or she gets pounded on Election Day.   They’re allowing Trump to control the direction of the conversation, and reacting to Trump instead of getting out in front with their own ideas.  Get on it!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

What Happens to Hillary Clinton’s Campaign if She’s Charged With a Crime? Will She Get Out?

Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the White House will likely end if she is charged with a crime. 

She should probably get out now, so that she can begin to prepare her legal defense against the criminal investigation that is now being conducted by the FBI.   And it is a criminal investigation.

Hillary should have realized that what she was doing with her email was illegal and a major security problem.     Given that, I wonder who she will throw under the bus to save herself. 

That’s what the Clintons do best.

Japanese Emperor Should Issue Final and Complete Apology for Japan’s Role in World War II, Then There Should Be No Expectation of Further Apologies: Today’s Japanese Political Leaders Weren’t Even Alive During World War II, So It’s Unfair to Insist That Generation After Generation of Japanese Leaders Who Had Nothing to Do With World War II to Keep Apologizing

Japanese Emperor Akihito delivered a glancing blow of an apology to nations that Japan invaded during World War II, which set off a new round of resentment in South Korea and in China. 

Under the Japanese constitution, the Emperor cannot make or issue political statements without the permission of the Japanese government, so he went out on a limb to say what he did about World War II.

Prime Minister Abe is openly resentful of apologizing, which has generated a ton of resentment in China and in South Korea.

It’s really past time for Japan, South Korea and China to let World War II finally end, and I think the Emperor will have to get really involved.  He needs to issue a complete and final apology on behalf of the entire Japanese nation for Japan’s role in World War II, including the rape of Nanking and the use of “comfort women” for Japanese soldiers. 

Then there should be no expectations of further apologies from Japan’s political leaders.

It’s unfair for China and South Korea to continue to want apologies from Japan’s political leadership as most of Japan’s current politicians were born after World War II.  Prime Minister Abe was born in 1954.   

Every time a Japanese prime minister is forced to issue another World War II apology, it causes huge political problems for him from his domestic audience.  Communist China may want that, but it isn’t good for one nation to exert that kind of influence over another.

Japan’s leadership really needs to get it together and allow the Emperor to issue a final statement.   It’s time to let World War II get out of the realm of current events and allow it to take it’s place in the history books.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Shouldn’t the Focus Be on the Funerals for the Victims of the Charleston Shootings, and Not on a 150 Year Old Debate That Shows No Sign of Easing?

I think there’s a couple of misplaced issues in the Charleston massacre, that can wait for a while.

Instead of focusing energy on the victims, their families and making the church that was attacked whole again, a great deal of political capital and energy has been shifted to going after the Confederate flag, which continues to fly on state capitol grounds in the South, or is on license plates.

The Confederate battle flag debate has been ongoing for 150 years and shows no signs of going away anytime soon.  In fact, retailers can’t keep the rebel battle flags in stock; they’re flying off the shelves since the controversy re-erupted in the wake of the Charleston church massacre.

That was expected.  When a movement gains steam, it often spikes sales of whatever item is in the political crosshairs.

The flag debate can be put on hold until after the victims’ funerals are held.   The second item is the gun debate that lib Dems keep rehashing.   That can wait too.

Political activism should not supplant honoring the victims, and comforting their families.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Kid Who Shot Up Charleston Church Cannot Claim Insanity: His “Last Rhodesian” Manifesto Makes Clear Who He Doesn’t Like, and Who He Was Going to Go After in Charleston

The person who shot up the Charleston church on Thursday night and killed nine people will not be able to claim insanity, in my opinion.

The reason I say that is because of his website and manifesto.   It lays out his hatred of people who are non-white and broadcasts his intentions to attack a target in Charleston and hurt people.

His photos are particularly troubling, with various references to neo-Nazi propaganda.   His web site is going to be of particular interest to the prosecution, with regards to his rumored intention to plead insanity.   It might have had some traction if the web site and manifesto didn’t exist, but the manifesto was too well-researched and organized (I disagree with the entire thing, by the way), even though it was bizarre rant.

The photos establish his hatreds over a long time period, with various neo-Nazi references (the 1488 thing, which I had to look up), stomping on, spitting on and burning the American flag, and similar photos involving apartheid-era Rhodesian and South African flags.  

It will be hard for him to claim temporary insanity with the web site and manifesto anchor wrapped around his neck.  

He’s competent enough to stand trial and pay for what he’s done.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Senator Tells Pope to Stay Out of Climate Change Debate: “Do Your Job and We’ll Do Ours!” OK, Except Congress Shouldn’t Be Involved in the Climate Change Debate Either!

This is a good one. 

The Senate chair of a climate change committee is tired of Pope Francis speaking out about climate change, telling the Pope to “do your job and we’ll do ours.”   I happen to agree that the Pope shouldn’t be involved in this mess of a debate, but the Senator overlooked something very critical:

Congress shouldn’t be involved in the debate either.  No politician has any business in an ongoing and unsettled scientific debate.   They’ve already screwed this situation up almost beyond belief, and on an international scale.

This is a scientific debate that hasn’t reached a final conclusion about what’s really going on with the climate.  The scientific community involved in the climate change debate is a train wreck, and keeps coming up with contradictory theories to explain things.  And the politicians love to turn these things into talking points.  

The disaster of carbon credit markets is one example of politicians to make more money off something that they have absolutely no control over and barely understand.  Political snake oil….

The scientific community is too polarized by this issue to give our leaders sound advice on what the facts are.   Settled science?  I think not.

Honesty from the scientific community will do more to further our understanding of the world around us far more than politicians taking a stand.   The politics can wait until the science is actually settled.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Recent Government Paper Manipulates Climate Change Data so Blatantly that Even Climate Change Scientists Are Balking: Sad State of Affairs in Global Warming Alarmism Movement

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently released a report that manipulated climate change data AGAIN which changes the data to show nothing but rises in global temperature over the last seventeen years and not any kind of pause or cool down.

This kind of blatant data manipulation is EXACTLY the reason that people like me doubt the official (and government approved) narrative about global warming.   The NOAA report is a political document meant to silence political opponents of global warming.   This is also what happens when politicians enter a scientific debate.   

But climate scientists themselves are publicly challenging the NOAA report, saying that the manipulated data does nothing to further understanding of what’s actually happening,    The NOAA-branded report is just adding fuel to a fire that the government wants to go away.   But they keep engaging in science fiction instead of science fact.   And they’re being called on it by people on their own side of the equation.

Pretty sad state of affairs for the global warming alarmism side when they criticize a report meant to silence their opposition.

It will be interesting to see if the people criticizing the government report change their tune in coming weeks, or if they stick to their guns.

Monday, June 08, 2015

No Progress on Straightening Out Primary Calendar: All States Should Set Their Primaries Earlier as a Show of Support for Challenging the Unbalanced Primary System

During the last primary season, Michigan was one of several states that the DNC and RNC singled out for punishment for daring to draw attention to the unfairness of two states getting the lion’s share of attention from the candidates due to their first-in-the-nation primary elections, and the respective (not so respective) National Committees of both parties going along with the system.

Michigan’s electoral votes were cut in half as a result by both parties.   Thanks for nothing, DNC and RNC.   I selected a side and wrote in Mickey Mouse.   That’s what I thought of my half-strength vote.

New Hampshire and Iowa have different issues on their plates than Michigan has.  Here’s a sample of issues in the headlines in those three states:

Iowa has been focused on ethanol, gasoline taxes, drone surveillance, “telemed” abortions, state aid for broadband access and same-sex marriage. 

New Hampshire has been focused on marijuana legalization, sexual orientation discrimination, the death penalty, immigration,  Common Core and Indian gaming. 

Michigan is focused in on its economy, deer hunting, bird flu, Common Core, fracking, repealing the state’s prevailing wage law, wolf hunting, recreational marijuana legalization, insurance premiums, funding for schools and roads, and guns.

Are Michigan’s issues any less important than New Hampshire’s or Iowa’s?  I think not.

During the last primary season, Michigan bumped up its primary election in violation of the rules so that our issues could be heard in all the racket emanating from Iowa and New Hampshire.

I hope more states cross the red line and schedule their primary elections early next year, and really stick it to both the DNC and RNC.   And if they do to those states what they did to Michigan, I hope all kinds of people write in Mickey Mouse or vote for “none of the above.”    

Much more to follow on this issue in the coming weeks and months.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

GOP Field is Unimpressive: Mickey Mouse May Get My Vote (Again) for Next Year’s Primary

The last few primary elections, if I’ve been annoyed with the choice of contenders that the main parties have put forth, I’ve picked a side and then voted for Mickey Mouse. 

He may get my primary vote again, if things stand as they are.  I’m not impressed so far with the current field of candidates.

Someone had better start knocking ‘em out of the park, real quick.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Texas Police Officer Who Stopped Two Terrorists During Attack on Mohammed Cartoon Gathering is Still Unknown: He Probably Wants to Protect His Family From Retaliation

A heroic police officer who shot two terrorists after they opened fire with AK-47s on police and security officers at a controversial Mohammed cartoon gathering is still not publicly known, and that’s not a bad thing.  The police officer probably wants to protect his family, so the media should respect that.   I’m content with not knowing his name.

The terrorists drove up, got out of their car and opened fire, wounding an unarmed security guard.  It’s being said that the police officer drew his sidearm, killed one of the attackers immediately and wounded the other, which ended the situation. 

I don’t know if his name can be suppressed as the shooting is a matter of public record so his name’s probably going to be released.   Hope they’re taking steps to protect the officer’s loved ones before that happens.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

80+ Percent of Vote Goes Against Michigan Proposal 1: Lopsided Defeat Shows Lansing Politicians Need to Do Their Jobs, Quit Scheduling Unnecessary Elections, and Fix the Roads With Money They Already Collect

Michigan’s had a problem with crumbling roads for quite a while now, and the politicians in Lansing have failed to come up with a solution to fix them.

Then someone came up with a cockamamie plot to alter the Michigan constitution to allow for an increase in the state sales tax, plus a bunch of other not-mentioned tax and fee increases that the legislature have already enacted.  Everything was to go into effect when Proposal 1 was approved by Michigan voters.  Fortunately, 80% of the vote went in the opposite direction.

I voted no because of all the other increases that were not mentioned in the proposal.  I did not consent to any of the not-mentioned tax and fee proposals.

I also object to a 200 word proposal that barely scratches the 46,000 word bill that includes language to automatically raise gas taxes.   Hard to believe a Republican governor would go along with something like that.  

They lost by a wide margin on this issue because the proposal left out key details of how much taxes and fees were going to increase.   They can fix the roads, increase education spending and provide other services with the money they already have.

They should stay in session (working FIVE DAY work weeks like everybody else, and not THREE DAY work weeks) until the road problem is fixed.

U.S. Supreme Court May Decide to Send the Gay Marriage Question Back to the States: Constitution is Clear on Who Regulates Marriage

I think there’s a possibility that the Supreme Court will not issue a ruling on the gay marriage question, and that they’ll defer to the states to make up their own minds.  This is probably the correct course of action, since the Constitution says that the authority to regulate marriage rests with the states.

I don’t know how strong this possibility is…this court has already inserted itself into national political questions, but since this is a power expressly given over to the states and not the federal government, I’m thinking the Supreme Court won’t take a side, which will make the state supreme courts in each state the final arbiter of the matter.  

Some have already decided, others are awaiting the Supreme Court decision, which is expected in June.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gay Hotel Owner’s First Statement About Ted Cruz Was Truthful: His Subsequent Apology to His Community About the Meeting Is Not

I’ve been watching the situation between presidential contender Ted Cruz, and a gay businessman who took the opportunity to talk to Cruz about gay issues at his house with some interest.  His initial explanation was that he wanted to address issues between Cruz’s various stands and the gay community.  That was a truthful statement, and perfectly reasonable.

Then the threats of a boycott of the businessman’s business by gay and liberal activists lead to a quick apology and mea cupola from the businessman, who didn’t “understand Cruz’s stands on anti-gay issues.”  This statement appeared to be forced, and a hasty reaction to threats of a boycott, and possible threatened harm to the businessman and his business partner from various communication mediums.

Based on his first statement, I think he was fully aware of the various stands that Cruz had taken but chose to meet with Cruz anyways to have a conversation with the Congressman about it.  The second statement was the businessman trying to save his business.

It’s very unfortunate that liberal hypocrisy is on full display, again, and they’re making it look like the businessman’s fault.   He should be free to talk with whomever he wants, about whatever he wants, whenever he wants and wherever he wants.   Instead, the left is seeking to deny this guy his First Amendment rights about redressing grievances with elected officials, which Ted Cruz is and seeks to be.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

California’s Environmentalism Has Made Their Drought Much Harder Than It Needed to Be: No New Reservoirs of Water Were Created At a Time When Their Population Doubled, Now They’re Restricting Most Forms of Water Use to Preserve What They Do Have Left

California has known for generations that it is prone to suffer from drought from time to time, yet did nothing to “mitigate the worst effects” of an extreme drought as their population was doubling.  

If those words sound familiar, it’s straight out of the liberal global warming playbook.  Ironic.

California’s water crisis IS a human-made problem, and the blame lies at the feet of environmentalists who have successfully blocked the creation of new water reservoirs in the hardest-hit areas of the California drought.    Now California’s entire population is at risk of not having enough water to drink, prepare food, take a shower, water their lawns and a host of other water issues as the drought continues.

If what NASA is saying is accurate, California will need 11 trillion gallons of water to end the drought.  Put another way, they need 30 billion gallons of rainfall daily for one entire year, without fail.   Or they need something like 12.5 feet of snow to fall on every part of the state during the winter and then melt.

Now they’re having to look at desalinization to turn ocean water into drinking water.  It costs double what it would take to build and run a reservoir, and the reservoir would have superior output, too.

If you want to see what a man-made disaster looks like, California’s the poster child.   I hope the other states are taking notes on what not to do with their environmental policies.

Mother Nature can turn this drought around, as it has before, but it’s going to take a long time to happen.   They won’t get 30 billion gallons of rainfall a day for 365 days without fail.  Nor will they get covered by 12.5 feet of snow in a winter.  

Environmentalism is good, but California’s environmentalism is an example of what happens when liberal environmental politics overrides common sense.

Israel Got It Right Again: Israel Threatens to Sell Anti-Aircraft Systems to Ukraine in Response to Russian Sale of S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Iran and Russia Blinks

Israel struck a Russian nerve a few weeks ago when it threatened to sell advanced Israeli anti-aircraft weapons to Ukraine in response to Russia’s sale of their S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran.

It lead to a Russian denouncement of the Israeli move, Israeli threats to bomb the system as it was being delivered to Iran, and a Russian announcement a few days ago that the S-300 delivery to Iran would be delayed.

Did Netanyahu just force Putin to blink?   President Obama hasn’t been able to do that a single time over any issue.


Russia doesn’t want Ukraine getting advanced arms that will take a bite out of the Russian Air Force should it launch an invasion of the rest of Ukraine.    And it remembers what happened when the Americans, Israelis and Saudis supplied Afghanistan with American Stinger missiles against the invading Soviet Army in the 1980s.   The Soviets lost in the neighborhood of three hundred aircraft.

Our current government can threaten Russia the same way, but it wouldn’t be the same.   Putin has Obama’s number and will call his bluff every time, but Netanyahu is perceived as a loose cannon by Putin.   Israel is more than willing to answer Putin tit-for-tat, and Putin doesn’t like it one bit.

Because Israel will sell lethal aid to Ukraine if Russia delivers the S-300 to Iran. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Gore Wants to “Punish Climate Change Deniers” for “Denying Established Science”: Bring It On

Global warming alarmist Al Gore wants to punish people for not buying into his falsified climate change data.

His pal Vice President Biden also said recently that denying climate change is like denying gravity.   Interesting choice of comments, since the science of gravity used the scientific method of proving it, while climate change science has sought to skip the scientific method entirely.

The reason they’re seeking to skip using established scientific principles to prove climate change is that there is a very real possibility that it will be scientifically disproven.   The data just doesn’t support their arguments.  Why else would they manipulate the data?

If Al Gore wants us to buy what he’s selling, his side is going to have to use established scientific methods of proving what he’s saying.


As for his claim of climate change being “settled science”---NO IT ISN’T!   Not by the method that is accepted by the entire scientific community, unlike his global warming hubris.

No one denies that climate change has happened before.  If it hadn’t, we’d still be locked in the last Ice Age.  The region of the country I live in would still be under a sheet of ice nearly three miles thick.   

What is in dispute is the role humans have had in recent times with regards to the ever-changing climate on Earth—changes that would be happening whether we were here or not.  

Consider: humans weren’t around with today’s greenhouse gas emitting factories or cars 15,000 years ago to warm up the planet and cause the glaciers to retreat.

Also in dispute is the role that the sun and volcanic activity plays in the overall process.  Until they figure that out, they have NO business telling us that their version of climate change is “settled science.”   “Settled science” is a political term that has no place in a scientific debate.

If Al Gore wants to punish people for not buying his utter BS, he should go from door to door and do the job himself.   Put up, or shut up, pal.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

More Questions Than Answers on Malaysian Airlines MH370 Disappearance One Year On: They Just Announced That the Battery on the Flight Recorders Were Dead Long Before the Jet Disappeared in Further Display of Incompetence

More proof that there are some incompetent fools running Malaysia Airlines…it’s bad enough that MH370 disappeared without a trace a year ago today, but according to a report from the airline, the flight recorder batteries on board the jet expired at least a year before the plane was lost. 

They must have known this information in the days after the flight was presumed lost in the Indian Ocean, but did they even tell the search crews or governments who sent rescue forces about the batteries already being dead?  The on-scene rescue personnel made a huge deal out of finding the wreckage before the locator beacon batteries on the black boxes ran out of power.   These batteries were supposed to last two to three weeks after the flight recorders lost primary power during the presumed destruction of the aircraft.

Yet the MH370 report released by Malaysia Airlines found “nothing unusual about the crew or aircraft.”  Apparently dead batteries on Malaysia Airlines black boxes are nothing unusual.  HUH??!  

What other safety violations are not considered unusual by this airline?

I hope every airline in the world is paying attention to the battery story and doing some checking of their records, and taking corrective action.  

When will the families of the lost finally have some peace?

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Utter Hypocrisy: Democrats Call Netanyahu a Child, Then Start Up on the Name Calling…They’re The Ones Acting Like the Children, Not Netanyahu

Judging from the over-emotional reactions from House and Senate Democrats, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu scored a direct hit with his speech.   I thought it was a great speech, and one that the Democrats needed to hear.

What’s wrong with insisting that if Iran wants to be treated like a decent nation, it should start to act like one?  Pelosi was near tears over this statement?

What’s wrong with saying that “the enemy of your enemy is…your enemy?”

What’s wrong with pointing out that defeating ISIS but allowing Iran to gain nuclear weapons would win the battle but lose the war?

I hope Netanyahu’s speech stops the negotiations in their tracks.   It probably won’t, in spite of what the Obama team says.  If a deal favoring Iran emerges, it’d probably be better to scuttle the talks now.

I didn’t think it was a good idea for Netanyahu to quote John Kerry.  Kerry’s the master of double meanings and political rhetoric on a scale comparable to Bill Clinton.   And he’s a bigger observer-in-chief than Obama is. 

If there’s an agreement with Iran, we’ll know for sure if Netanyahu was on target, or if he was flat-out wrong.   Iran won’t honor the terms of an agreement in any case; they’ve already kicked international nuclear inspectors out of the country in the past to protect their military nuclear program.

The louder the Democrats scream about Netanyahu, the more I’m convinced that he hit the nail on the head.  It was a well-crafted speech.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Iranian Navy Practices Sinking a U.S. Aircraft Carrier Mock-Up; They’re Now Prepared to Wage War Against Hollywood Movie Sets

The Iranian Navy celebrated its most recent achievement yesterday as it’s naval forces staged an attack on a barge that was converted to look like an American aircraft carrier.  They managed to blow it up. 

They’re now ready to wage a naval war against floating movie sets.  Hollywood’s in big trouble!

I’d like to see their gunboats go straight at a U.S. warship lined up like that.   One strafing run by an F-18 from off the deck of one of our carriers would make short work of them. 

It’s a good thing they didn’t mistake a real American aircraft carrier with its full battle group for their wooden barge.  That would have made for a huge slice of humble pie for the Revolutionary Guard…every one of their little boats would have been on the bottom of the Strait of Hormuz, and it would have been carried live on Iranian TV.

Iran’s claim to be able to sink every American warship in the Strait of Hormuz or in the Persian Gulf in fifty seconds can only be done in a movie.  Looked like amateur hour with the Iranian Navy.

They’d probably better stick to blowing up movie sets.  They seem marginally proficient at that, even though a lot of their gun hits appeared to hit the water, and not the barge.

See for yourself.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Netanyahu Speech to Joint Session of Congress Should Not Be Cancelled: It Should Go Forward as Planned and He Should Lay Out the Case Against Iran that Obama Administration Has Decided to Ignore at Israel’s Expense

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress should go forward as planned and not be cancelled due to Administration pressure to do so.

The Obama Administration is ignoring Israel’s concerns in an effort to push forward a bad nuclear deal with Iran, and Israel is taking President Obama to task for doing so.  Israel isn’t the one spitting in the Administration’s face; rather the opposite.   Insult after insult has come from Administration officials, who called Netanyahu a “chickensh##” in recent weeks and appeared more interested in attacking our staunchest ally in the Middle East, instead of taking on Iran and other enemies of the United States.

The timing of the speech, which comes two weeks before an Israeli election, is unfortunate, but Netanyahu has been backed into a corner by the backstabbing Obama Administration.

I hope he shows up and tells Congress that he’s not interested in dealing with Obama or his lackeys and that he’ll wait for the next President to take office.   Obama’s one-sided approach to dealing with Israel and Palestine is more responsible for the current state of US-Israeli affairs than Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

Shame on the Administration!

Friday, January 23, 2015

CNN: “Snub Hurts WH-Netanyahu ties” : WHO CARES?

The Obama Administration is all bent out of shape because Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu accepted an invitation to speak before both houses of Congress.

Aww, poor Administration.   They don’t like having their toes stepped on, even though they’ve been STOMPING on Israel’s at every opportunity.  How does it feel, Mr. President?  What goes around, comes around.

This President and Administration cannot be counted on to be a neutral broker for peace in the Middle East.   Insult after insult against Israel from this Administration has lead directly to this tit-for-tat response from Israel, which is justified in throwing it right back in President Obama’s face.  I’m glad that Netanyahu accepted the invitation from Congress.

Israel is our ally, and President Obama needs to get off his high horse and reset relations with Israel so that they’re correct.   But then again, we’ve seen how successful his “reset” of relations with Russia have been, so perhaps that isn’t a very good idea after all.  They’ll fumble the ball…again.   Perhaps they’d be better off in staying out of the Middle East peace process altogether and hand it off to the next Administration.

Obama’s treatment of Israel and Netanyahu in particular have been shameful and inept on the part of our Administration.   I hope Netanyahu holds nothing back when he speaks to Congress.