Monday, March 16, 2015

Gore Wants to “Punish Climate Change Deniers” for “Denying Established Science”: Bring It On

Global warming alarmist Al Gore wants to punish people for not buying into his falsified climate change data.

His pal Vice President Biden also said recently that denying climate change is like denying gravity.   Interesting choice of comments, since the science of gravity used the scientific method of proving it, while climate change science has sought to skip the scientific method entirely.

The reason they’re seeking to skip using established scientific principles to prove climate change is that there is a very real possibility that it will be scientifically disproven.   The data just doesn’t support their arguments.  Why else would they manipulate the data?

If Al Gore wants us to buy what he’s selling, his side is going to have to use established scientific methods of proving what he’s saying.


As for his claim of climate change being “settled science”---NO IT ISN’T!   Not by the method that is accepted by the entire scientific community, unlike his global warming hubris.

No one denies that climate change has happened before.  If it hadn’t, we’d still be locked in the last Ice Age.  The region of the country I live in would still be under a sheet of ice nearly three miles thick.   

What is in dispute is the role humans have had in recent times with regards to the ever-changing climate on Earth—changes that would be happening whether we were here or not.  

Consider: humans weren’t around with today’s greenhouse gas emitting factories or cars 15,000 years ago to warm up the planet and cause the glaciers to retreat.

Also in dispute is the role that the sun and volcanic activity plays in the overall process.  Until they figure that out, they have NO business telling us that their version of climate change is “settled science.”   “Settled science” is a political term that has no place in a scientific debate.

If Al Gore wants to punish people for not buying his utter BS, he should go from door to door and do the job himself.   Put up, or shut up, pal.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

More Questions Than Answers on Malaysian Airlines MH370 Disappearance One Year On: They Just Announced That the Battery on the Flight Recorders Were Dead Long Before the Jet Disappeared in Further Display of Incompetence

More proof that there are some incompetent fools running Malaysia Airlines…it’s bad enough that MH370 disappeared without a trace a year ago today, but according to a report from the airline, the flight recorder batteries on board the jet expired at least a year before the plane was lost. 

They must have known this information in the days after the flight was presumed lost in the Indian Ocean, but did they even tell the search crews or governments who sent rescue forces about the batteries already being dead?  The on-scene rescue personnel made a huge deal out of finding the wreckage before the locator beacon batteries on the black boxes ran out of power.   These batteries were supposed to last two to three weeks after the flight recorders lost primary power during the presumed destruction of the aircraft.

Yet the MH370 report released by Malaysia Airlines found “nothing unusual about the crew or aircraft.”  Apparently dead batteries on Malaysia Airlines black boxes are nothing unusual.  HUH??!  

What other safety violations are not considered unusual by this airline?

I hope every airline in the world is paying attention to the battery story and doing some checking of their records, and taking corrective action.  

When will the families of the lost finally have some peace?

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Utter Hypocrisy: Democrats Call Netanyahu a Child, Then Start Up on the Name Calling…They’re The Ones Acting Like the Children, Not Netanyahu

Judging from the over-emotional reactions from House and Senate Democrats, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu scored a direct hit with his speech.   I thought it was a great speech, and one that the Democrats needed to hear.

What’s wrong with insisting that if Iran wants to be treated like a decent nation, it should start to act like one?  Pelosi was near tears over this statement?

What’s wrong with saying that “the enemy of your enemy is…your enemy?”

What’s wrong with pointing out that defeating ISIS but allowing Iran to gain nuclear weapons would win the battle but lose the war?

I hope Netanyahu’s speech stops the negotiations in their tracks.   It probably won’t, in spite of what the Obama team says.  If a deal favoring Iran emerges, it’d probably be better to scuttle the talks now.

I didn’t think it was a good idea for Netanyahu to quote John Kerry.  Kerry’s the master of double meanings and political rhetoric on a scale comparable to Bill Clinton.   And he’s a bigger observer-in-chief than Obama is. 

If there’s an agreement with Iran, we’ll know for sure if Netanyahu was on target, or if he was flat-out wrong.   Iran won’t honor the terms of an agreement in any case; they’ve already kicked international nuclear inspectors out of the country in the past to protect their military nuclear program.

The louder the Democrats scream about Netanyahu, the more I’m convinced that he hit the nail on the head.  It was a well-crafted speech.