Saturday, January 30, 2016

Predictions for Iowa Caucus on Monday: Sanders Will Win Democratic Caucus, Trump Will Finish Second or Third

I have a feeling about Monday’s Iowa caucus.

I think the email issue will cripple Hillary Clinton on Monday, and Bernie Sanders will win on the Democratic side.  On the GOP side, I don’t think that Trump is going to do as well as the polls are suggesting.

Cruz will probably win, with Trump in second or third place.  Rubio may surge too.

Trump’s supporters have to turn out in force, and I’m not sure they’re going to.  Younger voters traditionaly don’t turn out to caucus.  That’s Trump’s Achilles Heel…his supporters MUST turn out in order for him to win.

I still don’t like the Iowa caucuses, but with the bombastic Trump in the mix, it will be a very interesting evening.

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