Thursday, April 20, 2017

Fox’s Letting O’Reilly Go Was the Right Move to Make in Spite of the Pain in the Ratings the Move Will Cost: Now They Need to Find Another Conservative Firebrand

Bill O’Reilly is out at Fox News, and it was the correct move to make.   O’Reilly’s alleged behavior was a continued liability exposure to Fox that could no longer be tolerated.

In doing this, Fox will probably lose their ranking in the ratings during the “O’Reilly Factor” timeslot for the time being, but if they put someone in there who is a firebrand and can keep part of the conservative audience that O’Reilly enjoyed, they’ll do OK and claw their ratings and advertisers back. 

Fifty companies pulled their ads out of the “Factor” timeslot when news of this scandal broke, which were worth in the neighborhood of $100 million.

Fox may be at risk of a lawsuit from O’Reilly, and possibly from the victims for failing to act, so their legal troubles aren’t over.   They’ll have to pay more out, but if they can change the culture over there, the hemorrhage will slow and stop, or move to a more manageable level, similar to other like-sized companies. 

It will be interesting to watch.

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