Friday, August 18, 2017

Antifa Needs to Be Declared a Domestic Terror Group: In Addition to Fighting the KKK and Neo-Nazis, They’ve Been Assaulting Conservative Americans and Trump Supporters

The “Antifa” movement has come into focus in the public spotlight in recent days, and the news isn’t good.

Apparently, this group has been around for a while, though not in American politics much before 2016.  Unlike their neo-Nazi and KKK opponents, Antifa doesn’t have a single central leader and shows up to events fairly disjointed.   They also do not subscribe to Democratic Party goals and ideas, though some of the more radical liberals have started to subscribe to Antifa goals and methods.

Some of the groups are not afraid to use violence to achieve their goals, and they’re the ones who clashed with the KKK and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville a couple of days ago.   President Trump was right, but he’s still under heavy fire from the House, Senate, media and others for not paying more attention to the neo-Nazis and singling them out, even though he had already done so.

If Antifa turns up at a political event wearing black masks, then they’re up to no good.  That's no different from the KKK showing up wearing their white hoods.  Thieves and criminals wear hoods and masks.

Violence has no place in American politics.    The loss of civility in political discourse is appalling.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Commentator on Fox News Made Statement That Hate Speech is Not Protected: Actually, It Is, Because the Constitution Makes It So

Before I go one step forward, I totally condemn the  violence that took place this morning in Virginia.  I also  condemn the white supremacists for holding this rally in the first place.   This kind of violence has no place in our society.

Using a car to mow down people you disagree with?   Give me a break!  I’d also like to point out that blacks and whites were both mowed down by this unthinking individual.

I’ve been a vocal opponent of the white supremacist movement in years past and renew that commitment to hold them to account.  

I got into an argument on this blog back in April 2006 with a neo-Nazi, and have included a couple of the links below.

I had commented that the Noise Blockade and diversity festival being held in the city of Lansing would have thousands of people there, while the neo-Nazi turnout would be far below expectations.   He was laughing that “thousands” wouldn’t show up and that they’d have two hundred white supremacists there.  In actuality, 1,700 people showed up at the counter-rally while only 75 neo-Nazis (out of 200 predicated) bothered to show up.   They decided not to crash the diversity festival and stayed in the Capitol grounds.

Now, having said all that, a commentator on Fox News this afternoon said that hate speech is not protected speech.  Um, yes it is, as it is written in the Constitution of the United States and upheld by the United States Supreme Court. 

I believe what the commentator meant to say but fell short on is that inciting to riot is NOT protected speech, as decided by the Court in Brandenburg vs. Ohio (1969).

As detestable as hate speech is, it is protected speech, so long as it doesn’t incite riots and violence.  In other words, they had a right to protest the removal of a statue dedicated to Robert E. Lee, but not to physically hurt people.  Likewise, the counter-protesters had every right to be there to demonstrate in favor of removing the statue.

I’m also getting the impression that something else is going on with the other side who participated in the violence.  Apparently they call themselves “Antifa.”   From what I could tell in the videos I’ve seen, they physically blocked the neo-Nazis from advancing into the park in Charlottesville, which lead to the violence.   This “antifa” group shouldn’t have gotten physically involved as they played right into the neo-Nazi group’s hands.  The neo-Nazis appear to have come looking for a fight with batons, riot shields and some kind of spray that they used.  

I think that’s why the President responded with his blaming both sides for the violence.  It takes two to make a fight.   He’s getting blasted by everybody, but I think he’ll be proven correct.

Don’t know what this “antifa” thing is, but I’m going to find out.   I think I heard that term last year too, when they were blamed for attacking Trump’s supporters during the election.  I didn’t think much of it—just left-wing kooks stirring stuff up.

There was once a time when protesters and counter-protesters could yell at each other without resorting to violence.  If those days are gone, we might all come to regret the loss of civility, even when counter-protesting the hate message of the KKK and neo-Nazi barbarians.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

North Korea Will Probably Test-Fire ICBMs Toward Guam to Test Resolve of U.S.: American Government Must Not Falter for a Moment

After all the dangerous rhetoric from the last week, I think it’s very likely that North Korea will test launch four ICMBs toward Guam, and then crash them outside of Guam territorial waters as a demonstration of the “strength” of their weapons.

Their own statements seem to support this theory.  The North Korean government said that

“…. The Hwasong-12 rockets to be launched by the KPA will cross the sky above Shimane, Hiroshima and Koichi Prefectures of Japan. They will fly 3356.7 km for 1 065 seconds and hit the waters 30 to 40 km away from Guam.

The KPA Strategic Force will finally complete the plan until mid August and report it to the commander-in-chief of the DPRK nuclear force and wait for his order.”

I seriously doubt they’ll enter Guam airspace, or that they’ll be nuclear armed.   This seems to be a declaration of intent, with their Liberation Day holiday coming up next Tuesday, August 15th.

If Little Kim wants to play with fire, he’s going to get burned badly.   But sometimes that’s the only way a petulant child learns the lesson.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

North Korea Doesn’t Need an Accurate Guidance System to Cause Severe Damage to U.S.: He Just Needs to Get His Missiles Above the U.S. Mainland and Then Detonate the Bombs While They’re Still in Flight and EMP Will Do the Rest

The North Koreans don’t need to hit any American cities with their nukes to cause substantial damage to the U.S. infrastructure.    All the little runt needs to do is get his missiles above the U.S. and then detonate them at high altitude, and the resulting electromagnetic pulse will do the actual damage.

I don’t know what kind of altitude is needed to achieve maximum effect; the military types are better at answering these kinds of questions.  The only thing they may be missing is a way to have the warhead survive re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere to get to the correct altitude to detonate.

North Korea’s weapons yields are estimated to be between 5 and 30 kilotons so far.  These are more suited for battlefield use, unless one is trying to put an enemy’s home territory at risk in a rush.  The North Koreans are definitely in a rush to put the U.S. within ICBM range.  

I think war is inevitable, unless one of North Korea’s generals puts a bullet into Little Kim’s skull.   He really needs to be in the Hague to answer charges of crimes against humanity for what he’s done to his own people.

He probably won’t survive a conflict with the United States.   But how much damage could he do to his neighbors and to us before he goes away?