Friday, August 18, 2017

Antifa Needs to Be Declared a Domestic Terror Group: In Addition to Fighting the KKK and Neo-Nazis, They’ve Been Assaulting Conservative Americans and Trump Supporters

The “Antifa” movement has come into focus in the public spotlight in recent days, and the news isn’t good.

Apparently, this group has been around for a while, though not in American politics much before 2016.  Unlike their neo-Nazi and KKK opponents, Antifa doesn’t have a single central leader and shows up to events fairly disjointed.   They also do not subscribe to Democratic Party goals and ideas, though some of the more radical liberals have started to subscribe to Antifa goals and methods.

Some of the groups are not afraid to use violence to achieve their goals, and they’re the ones who clashed with the KKK and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville a couple of days ago.   President Trump was right, but he’s still under heavy fire from the House, Senate, media and others for not paying more attention to the neo-Nazis and singling them out, even though he had already done so.

If Antifa turns up at a political event wearing black masks, then they’re up to no good.  That's no different from the KKK showing up wearing their white hoods.  Thieves and criminals wear hoods and masks.

Violence has no place in American politics.    The loss of civility in political discourse is appalling.

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