Thursday, November 30, 2017

If Trump Wants to Fire Tillerson, Then Do It Already: We Don’t Have Time for Public Shamings or the Like; We Need a Wartime Secretary of State Who Can Rally the World Against North Korea

President Trump needs to quit screwing around with his Secretary of State and either let Tillerson do the job, or fire him and find a wartime Secretary of State.

I say “wartime” because we may be at war with North Korea within a matter of weeks, and we need a politician with thick skin, not a businessman who is calling President Trump a “moron.”

I’m openly biased against Rex Tillerson.  I opposed his nomination as Secretary of State, and don’t think he did the job that was needed.   Running the State Department is not like running a business at all.   He’d be much more appreciated at the helm of ExxonMobile, which is where I wish he had stayed.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt after he was confirmed, but now that the Administration is floating a balloon about replacing Tillerson, they should move on this now.

If Accusers Aren’t Prepared to Take Attackers to Court to Seek Justice, Should They Be Throwing Accusation Bombs Over Stuff That Happened Decades Ago? The 6th Amendment is Being Violated to an Unbelievable Degree

I’m very aware that sexual harassment and assault needs to be confronted in all of its forms, but the 6th Amendment to the United States Constitution seems to have fallen by the wayside in the process, or fed into a paper shredder.

If an accuser isn’t prepared to go to court to seek either civil or criminal justice, does the accuser really have the right to go public with their accusations?  If they can’t prove what they’ve accused their attacker of, does their target have the right to sue the accuser for damages? 

The presumption of innocence is one of the founding principles of the American nation.   The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, but since people are being accused and tried in the media, it looks like the suspect is guilty until proven innocent.    That’s not the American way.

I don’t know if there’s a silver bullet to deal with all of these problems, but the criminal justice system and Constitution should not become casualties of a problem that’s going to become much worse in the coming days and weeks, if the media rumors are even halfway accurate.

I think if someone who is accused decides to sue his accusers to get them to prove their accusations or pay for damages done to the reputation of the accused will be extremely ugly, and it will probably be the end of the accused’s career, especially if they’re some kind of a high profile celebrity.   I think this scenario is very likely to happen than not.

Part of me is happy that these idiots are facing a reckoning of their own making, but the other part is concerned that laws are followed, and that if they can be prosecuted, they should be, with all the legal protections that they’re due as American citizens.

Sexual harassment is illegal.   I want to see some punishments handed out by the courts, not trials in the media.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Welcome to the 21st Century, Liberals: “It’s About Sex” Line Used to Protect President Clinton Is Finally Being Seen in the Correct Light That IT ALWAYS WAS IN!

Oh, so the liberals are finally seeing a huge mistake that they made in the 1990s?

Too little, too late.   We were telling you that it WASN’T about sex back then, and we’re still telling you the same thing today.  It’s about sexual power and sheer dominance by one person over another.   It always has been, and the Clintons provide one of the worst examples of corrupt political power being used to destroy victims who were seeking justice.

These liberals are quite correct in saying they should have pressured President Clinton to resign after his sworn testimony about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.  

Congressional liberals are the pebbles who wait until it’s too late to do anything but be swept along by the avalanche that is already roaring down the side of the mountain toward them.   They’ve got the “deer in the headlights” look on their faces.

They’re counting on disgust of the American public against the GOP’s lack of ability to pass anything to flip some seats in both houses, but if they don’t take decisive action against their own colleagues, they may take two huge hits on election day: they won’t flip the seats they’re expecting and they may lose additional seats when their own supporters stay home or vote for “none of the above.”  The Democrats should be worried.

The scandals facing the Democrats are much worse than the perceived weakness of the GOP and the loudmouth in the White House who can’t help but self-inflict wounds on himself and his Administration.  

When he criticized Minnesota Senator Franken’s actions, he opened up ANOTHER can of worms: a dozen women accused then-candidate Trump of sexual impropriety during the campaign, that situation had quietly went dormant; now it’s become political ammunition again, and he’s going to need buckets to catch the lead once Congress sorts out the riff-raff in their own ranks.