Sunday, January 07, 2018

Hey, Academy Awards!! Your Response to the Weinstein Problem is of Your Making, So Don’t You Dare Regret What You’ve Done Now, Plus Oscar Notes

There was a huge push in liberal Hollywood to excommunicate Harvey Weinstein from everything related to the moviemaking industry, including the Academy Awards, the Screen Actors Guild, the organization behind the Oscars, his own Weinstein Company, and tons of others.

I do not disagree with the decisions to do so, though it’d be better if he was charged with a crime or sued for damages and had his day in court, as well as his victims.  Innocent until proven guilty…does that ring a bell, Hollywood?  Over the last few days, some in the Academy Awards have been quoted as regretting their decision to ban Weinstein so hastily.   Oh, really?

The reason behind the heartburn is that now they have others that they have to deal with, including some of Hollywood’s elite names.

I don’t feel too sorry for their problem.  They made the correct decision, now it’s time to chuck some others out and clean up their act.   I think they’re going to screw things up and not use the same standards that they used against Weinstein.

On a side note related to Weinstein, the Oscars are coming up soon, and there were Twitter rumors going around that Harvey Weinstein was at the hotel that the Oscars were being held at.  His spokesperson denied it.   In any case, there was a huge freak-out in Hollywood.   I wonder what would happen if he did show up.  Would he be allowed in, and how much screaming would be going on?   And would he be wearing black like everybody else?

I will be skipping the Oscars; it’s just another liberal Democratic rally with a different theme this year.  I anticipate lots of potshots at the White House again.

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