The United States celebrates Armed Forces Day on June 30th, so it could be modified to do a large-scale military parade in Washington. One question, though: can the streets of Washington support 52 ton tanks without getting torn up, and can it be done without spending tons of money?
The President is big on the idea as he was in France during Bastille Day, when the French military was on display. He apparently liked what he saw.
I’m kind of indifferent to the idea, as we haven’t really put tanks, missiles, attack helicopters, fighters, bombers and other military hardware on display for a spectacle. We’re accustomed to two-bit dictators putting on large military displays with goose-stepping troops to support their bombast.
If it is something that highlights the military, that’s one thing.
If it’s to support the President’s ego, that’s a totally different thing, and one I will not support. This president’s ego is easily bruised, and inflating it to a new level and run the risk of having someone bring him crashing to earth from new heights isn’t something we should spend millions on as a nation. President Trump can pay for his parade out of his own pocket.
Besides, the Congress is incapable of producing a budget, so I think those millions should be put into dealing with supply and readiness issues that the military is currently confronting. The U.S. Navy’s Seventh Fleet’s problems with readiness is the tip of the iceberg. Sequestration has had a devastating effect on the military. A parade won’t change that. Proper funding will.
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