Sunday, March 18, 2018

President Trump is Still Looking for a Way to Get Out of the White House Without Waiting for an Election or Resigning the Office: He’s Going to Fire Mueller and Then Dare Congress to Do Something About It

Last year, I commented here that President Trump hates the job he’s in and looked like he was looking for a reason to have Congress impeach him, as his pride won’t allow him to resign the office an be criticized as being too weak to handle it.   Impeachment is what he wants.

I have seen nothing in the last year to change my mind about that.  I also still don’t care if he stays in office or not. 

A Pence Administration would be far more stable prospect than a President who is running his White House from the perspective of a reality show producer.

The thing that has me talking about this again is that President Trump’s recent statements that he’d consider Robert Mueller looking into his businesses and family as crossing a “red line.”  Under Obama, a red line was meaningless, but with President Trump, when he talks about a red line, he’s serious.   People get fired if a red line is crossed in his White House; if it’s in a war zone like Syria, the missiles start to fly.

I think he’s angling toward pressuring Robert Mueller to announce that President Trump has been cleared of wrongdoing in the Russia probe, but when Mueller announces that he’s looking into other stuff, Trump will say “no you’re not” and fire him at that point.

I think Trump’s ultimate goal is to get back into his businesses and rebuild his fortune while avoiding the possibility of jail. 

It is my opinion that he’s going to fire Mueller sooner rather than later and dare Congress to do something about it.   And I think Congress will oblige him.   I think the sooner that this happens, the better it will be for the country.

On a side note, let both parties be warned: this is what happens when you have candidates like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton headlining your presidential tickets.  Give us some better choices!  

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Trump Fires Tillerson: About Time

I’ve been pretty outspoken about my opposition to Rex Tillerson being the Secretary of State since he was nominated, and now that he’s gone, I say the following: good.  It’s about time.

Now the Senate should exercise more caution in putting the next candidate up to a vote.  They didn’t do their jobs with Tillerson and we had an oil executive with basically no diplomatic service who caused 60% of the foreign service agents to resign or retire in his first year, and has left dozens of ambassadorships unfilled.

The new Secretary of State needs to have foreign diplomatic experience, can recruit foreign policy people and can talk to all the departments in his building without playing favorites with political appointees at the expense of his career diplomats. 

And he needs to be on the same exact page as President Trump with regards to foreign policy.  Tillerson was part of the time.   That wasn’t good enough.

It sounds like President Trump is nominating his CIA Director to be the new Secretary of State.  Don’t know much about him as much as I knew about Tillerson prior to his being nominated as our top diplomat.   Hopefully this nomination will be what the State Department needs.