Thursday, December 16, 2004

Atheist Goes After Christmas Tree

I was a little surprised when an atheist objected to the display of a Christmas tree at the city hall in Bellevue, Washington, even though it was doing a world of good to needy families in the area.

The tree, labeled by City Hall as the Giving Tree, has requests for help from families that desperately need financial assistance or other items in the place of tree ornaments. An average of $25,000 is raised by the Giving Tree.

This year, an atheist asked the city council to remove the tree because the tree represents Christianity.

With all due respect, no it doesn’t.

The Christmas tree represents the pagan side of the holiday, not the Christian side. The courts have already ruled on this after someone successfully argued that while many Christians use the tree to celebrate Jesus’ birth, it is not a symbol of Christianity like the cross is.

The city council refused the request, citing the court decisions.

Here’s the story.

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