Thursday, December 02, 2004

Target Stores: The Grinch is Running the Place!

Given Target’s reputation, is it any wonder that they’ve thrown Salvation Army bell-ringers out into the cold?

Which reputation do I speak of, you ask?

A friend of mine living in Marquette, MI, who is active in Vietnam War veteran fundraisers approached Target for a solicitation to help local veterans with a project that would benefit the entire community.

He got a letter about a week later saying that his request for help was being denied and that the only group that Target officially supported was a gay-rights group that no one had ever heard of up there. They weren't even locals!

So my friend organized a boycott of the Target store in Marquette. Letters were written to the local newspapers with copies of the letter enclosed, and the veterans raised a major commotion. I don’t think it had a major impact on the Target store, but the point was made.

So when I read that Target has banned the Salvation Army from ringing their little bells, it doesn’t surprise me in the least. It falls right into line with their treatment of the Vietnam veterans. There's a Grinch at Target HQ, so look for more petty antics from your friendly neighborhood Target.

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