Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Iranian Newspaper Plans on Holding Holocaust Cartoon Contest

Iran's Hamshahri newspaper announced an international contest for Holocaust cartoons to see if the same papers who printed the Mohammed cartoons would also print the Holocaust ones.

One clear result will come out of this for the entire world to see:

Jewish reaction to it will be much more mature than militant Islamic reactions to the prophet cartoons has been. Don't expect to see Jewish demonstrators burning down Iranian embassies, burning Muslim flags or parading children through the streets chanting anti-Iranian or anti-Muslim slogans as the militant Muslims have done in recent days. Nor will they attack the embassies of Western nations who do run the cartoons.

The international reaction will probably be very muted in contrast to the juvenile-like violence taking place in the Islamic world.

It should be noted that the hostage-taking Iranian President's friends control this newspaper, and that this also is not about freedom of speech, but keeping the hatred of Israel and Jews alive in the Muslim world.

Since Iran and most of the Muslim world have no free speech or free press, they have little credibility in making critical observations about the free press in other nations and have no right to ask Western media outlets to spread their anti-Jewish venom to make a point.

Freedom of speech is no more a weapon for Islamic nations to use against their enemies than it is for a Western newspaper to use as a shield to hide behind instead of admitting to a major screw-up.

So if this Iranian terrorist paper wants to publish their hatred and demand that Western newspapers republish them, they should probably print them into toilet paper form so that they'll have a practical use afterwards.

These Holocaust cartoons will probably be much worse than the prophet cartoons as the Holocaust cartoons will be based on revenge-style hatred and will be propaganda, not free speech.

1 comment:

Joey Bee said...

I just recently put a post on my blog pointing out the contradiction the leading newspaper Hamshahri is making against its own President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Iranian President Ahmadinejad last week said, “The Holocaust is a "myth" that was created by Western powers to justify the creation of Israel in the heart of the Islamic world.” So, if the Holocaust is only a “myth”, I do not think it would be offensive to the Jewish population, or any type of effective retribution.