Saturday, February 11, 2006

Thousands of Displaced Katrina Victims Facing Eviction: This Isn't Right

Monday will be a national disgrace.

It's when thousands of Katrina families will be turned out into the streets to fend for themselves, in spite of the fact that the government hasn't done what it promised to help them. Many are still waiting for FEMA trailers that are currently sitting unoccupied at an airport in rural Arkansas.

What the hell are we paying taxes for?

Our government would rather spend money to rebuild Iraq (that will never be a true democracy), but not on fellow Americans who got ran out of their own homes because the government-built levees surrounding New Orleans failed. This isn't right.

Until the government fulfills it's pledge to rebuild the Gulf Coast, it shouldn't be putting ANYONE onto the streets just yet. They have a LONG ways to go before this should be even considered.

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