Saturday, April 01, 2006

Changing One Person on His Staff Isn't Enough: Bush Must Give Congress a Bloody Nose, Give the GOP a Kick in the Pants & Really Shake Up His Staff

Changing the White House Chief of Staff is one small step in the right direction for President Bush. But it isn't nearly enough for him to recapture any momentum that he had after defeating John Kerry.

President Bush needs to go after Congress now, especially since he's in the process of losing several major battles. There's a weapon in his arsenal that he has yet to use: veto, veto, veto. Bush has to veto everything in sight and make Congress negotiate with him over allowing "friendly" bills to even pass. Let them override him if they can.

Next, he has to heave the GOP through the nearest window to get their attention. Since half of the Republicans in Congress are behaving like liberal Democrats these days, he needs to identify those GOP members who are trying to distance themselves from him and campaign (without their approval) on their behalf in their home districts. If it sinks some of the campaigns, then so be it.

Then he needs to get rid of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Chernoff, Gonzales and Rice. They are responsible for about 75% of Bush's problems, mismanaging the war in Iraq, leading FEMA to it's lowest level of preparedness since it was started, threatening the Constitution with the concept of Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges ("In times of war, the law falls silent"), and mismanaging U.S. foreign policy.

A U.S. President must rely on the people around him, and this President's friends have let him down.

Sometimes a President's friends are not the best choice for the positions which have huge impacts on people. Secretary of State, SecDef, Justice, Homeland Security and VP are not just political appointments; they need the right people who will wield their power wisely and have experience in those fields. IF the President's friends have those qualifications, then fine, but if they don't, then they shouldn't hold those offices.

Bush needs to get it in gear before it is too late.

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