Saturday, April 29, 2006

Cost of Neo-Nazi Rally Still Being Tallied, but It's Close to $250,000 So Far

The bill to local and state governments for providing protection during last weekend's neo-Nazi rally in Lansing is still being tallied, but latest estimates put the total price tag at close to $250,000 so far.

Here are the numbers being reported by various departments and agencies:

Michigan State Police----$171,000
City of Lansing---$75,000
Other Assisting Police Departments--Still Unknown

The next time the neo-Nazis come to town, they ought to send a certified check for $500,000 first and let them pay the bills. Why should the taxpayers be left to pay the bill?

The police did a great job in keeping order downtown. Their careful planning and execution of the plan kept a potentially explosive situation under control and they should be recognized for their hard work.

More to follow on this.

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