It's really offensive that people seem to be glamorizing the fact that it's 6/6/06.
So what? Get over it. It's just another day. The fact that three sixes appear in the date is a bah humbug event. The only thing of interest today related to the numbers is the fact that they're releasing a new version of "The Omen." I'm not going to see it in any event. There is another "Left Behind" book coming out today, too, but I haven't read any of them before, and I see no reason to start now.
By the way, civilization has survived other 6/6/06's in every century since time began.
666 is a reference to Emperor Nero. It was common practice to use code numbers instead of names to attack people in writing in those days. For instance, if I decided to criticize Willowby the Gorilla in writing, I'd give it the number....314. And then I'd write that 314 was heard belching and farting in her cage and that it was probably loud enough to scare the feathers off every bird in North America and the air so foul that it caused the paint to peel off the walls in Chicago.
The article above says that the actual number of the beast may be 616, which was a reference to Emperor Claudius, who put a statue of himself in the Temple of Jerusalem, and was harshly criticized for it.
The Book of Revelations is wide-open to interpretation. Don't buy into the hysteria just yet. People seem to forget that Revelations establishes that good triumphs over evil and that a golden age of peace follows. If people strive to live their lives according to the Bible, proclaim the Gospels and keep their faith in God, good things will follow.
Revelations is the beginning, not the end. So in the big picture, 6/6/06 isn't in it.
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