Monday, July 24, 2006

Lebanon Rejects Secretary Rice's Peace Plan: No Surprise There

News came today that the Lebanese rejected Secretary of State Rice's plan for peace in the Israeli-Hezbollah-Lebanon war which entered Day 12 today.

It's hard to talk peace when one's country is being blown to smithereens. That's how the Lebanese reacted to talk of dealing with Hezbollah while the bombs continue to fall. It's unfortunate that all sides are being so bull-headed about a simple cease-fire between Lebanon and Israel.

Here's an alternative cease-fire deal that Secretary Rice should offer to Israel and Lebanon:

Lebanon and Israel should agree to stop shooting at each other directly. No more Israeli bombing of central and northern Lebanon, and the Lebanese forces stay out of southern Lebanon where Hezbollah's fighters are. Lebanon allows Israel a free hand to deal with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon until the rockets stop coming across the border and the fate of Israel's missing soldiers are determined. Israel promises to focus it's firepower against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon exclusively.

This would allow Israel to effectively harness it's military power and get on with sending more Hezbollah terrorists to hell where they belong.

This plan is far more effective than the ones being floated by the U.S., Israel and Lebanon so far. The politicians really need to get their heads out of the sand and pay attention to what's really going on around them.

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