Monday, September 10, 2007

Michigan is Without a Budget and Less Than Three Weeks Away from a Government Shutdown: They Need to Get Moving

There's a complicated fight going on in Lansing over the state budget, and there's less than three weeks before Michigan's government runs out of money and a shutdown of the state occurs.

The battle looks like this:

Governor Granholm vs. the Republicans
Democrats vs. Republicans and vice versa in both houses
House vs. Senate

The first two fights mentioned above were expected; the third popped up unexpectedly. The state senate is controlled by the GOP; the state house is under control of the Democrats. Each house is challenging the other to take action first to cut out a $1.8 billion budget shortfall for next year.

They've been at it for seven months now.

Enough of the posturing, people. Fix the budget, NOW.

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