Sunday, September 16, 2007

People Must Use Caution on Social Networking Sites: Stuff Posted Can Come Back and Bite the User HARD

People do not understand how much damage they can do to their careers and reputations with postings and photos on such social networking sites as Myspace and FaceBook. Employers, universities and interviewers troll these sites, looking for what their current/prospective employees and students are posting, and how they are presenting themselves to the entire world.

As a general rule, if it looks or feels inappropriate to post to one of these kinds of sites, then it probably is. Profiles should be squeaky clean with the person's best foot forward. Scandalous postings and photos should be avoided at all costs. Some examples of people getting in trouble because of what they post:

There are hundreds of cases like the ones above.

People can put what they want on their profiles, but they only have themselves to blame if their photos and postings come around and bite them in the ass when they least expect it.

Use caution when using a social networking site.

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