I was listening to the "Big Show" on WJIM-AM out of Lansing the other day and heard Michael Patrick Shields interviewing someone from the Constitution Party on the current state of affairs in the Republican Party.
The interview itself was interesting, but I think that before conservatives consider jumping ship from the Republican Party to the Constitution Party that they investigate things a little more. I looked at the Constitution Party a few months ago as I saw which direction things were going to go in the GOP. And after doing that research, I rejected supporting the Constitution Party for the following reasons:
Their national platform and web site looked great. I think that if it were the standard for the entire party that conservatives could jump ship without reservations. But sadly, that's not how the Constitution Party is organized.
I got to the Michigan part of the site and discovered that the site had been taken over by the Michigan Militia, which I don't recognize or support.
The Michigan site began by identifying it's members as Warrior Christians and that their goal was to have two million men under arms by mid-2008. What in the name of Sam Hill for? Last time I checked, Canada wasn't preparing to invade Michigan; nor is the United Nations preparing to take over. So why do we need a standing army of two million men under arms and not taking orders from either the State of Michigan, or the United States government?
So I decided to ignore this party as it was an obvious front for the Michigan Militia, which I am in agreement with on protecting the Second Amendment, but am in serious disagreement with on just about everything else. I do NOT recognize them as being the "well-regulated militia" spoken of in the U.S. Constitution. That's the National Guard, which evolved from the Revolutionary War militias and elements of the Continental Army.
The problem with the Constitution Party is that they lack national cohesion. They're called different parties in different states. Each chapter has it's own rules, with it's own focus. And that's how the Michigan Militia holds sway over the Michigan chapter.
I won't support the Constitution Party as long as the militias are in charge.
Two million men, my afterburner.
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