Thursday, February 07, 2008

Romney Withdrawal from Campaign is Disappointing: It's a 3-Way Liberal Race Now

Mitt Romney's decision to withdraw from the Presidential campaign was deeply disappointing. He was the last best hope for a conservative nominee to appear on the GOP ticket against Obama or Clinton.

Huckabee doesn't have enough momentum to catch up at this point; he's got 190 delegates vs. McCain's 703 delegates. A candidate needs 1,191 delegates to secure the GOP nomination. He'd have to win a ton of states.

Romney did, however, decide to hold onto his 293 delegates.

I wonder if he isn't trying to swing a deal with McCain--his delegates in exchange for the VP slot. But if Huckabee does pull off a miracle and gets close to McCain's tally, wouldn't it be something if Huckabee and Romney pooled their delegates to knock McCain out? That would be NUTS!

It looks like we're going to have a liberal Republican on the GOP side of the ticket; I'm going to have a lot of new source material.

The question now the event of a McCain nomination, will conservatives fall in line to defeat Hillary in November, or will they stay home and focus on 2012?