Friday, November 28, 2008

Government Should Forget About the Bailouts, and Reduce the DEBT: That's Going to Kill Us

When we take a hard look at what our nation is facing in this financial crisis, it becomes clear that a number of things need to be considered when formulating a strategy to dig ourselves out of this mess. And I think our government is failing to look at what lies over the horizon. They're really blowing it.

They've reacted by adding $5 trillion to our national debt.

Here's my impression of this fiasco:
  • A stimulus package that requires us to borrow money from China to fund it? DONE!
  • Fanny Mae is failing? So is Freddie Mac? QUICK!! TAKE THEM OVER! (Pass the buck.)
  • Lehman Bros. is failing? Too bad. They didn't support my candidacy. Let them FAIL!
  • AIG is failing? Bail 'em out. Then bail 'em out again!
  • Stock market's lost 2,000 points in the last ten days? Drat.
  • Bear Stevens is failing? Seize them, sell them and put the taxpayer on the hook for the bill!
  • Citi is failing? Bail 'em out. More? Bail faster! Here, have some more taxpayer money!
  • A $700 billion bailout? Add another $150 billion to bribe the opposition in Congress. Mo' money, mo' money!
  • We're bailing out all the toxic debt??! Bail harder! Bail faster! Here, have some more money!
  • What? What? Wall Street doesn't think it's the right fix now that they have it?
  • Washington Mutual is failing? Seize 'em and bail 'em out!
  • Dow's dropped 2,000 more points?
  • Hmm...Dow added 936 points in one day, but it's still down for the week.
  • Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon and State Street all signed on to our $2.5 trillion deal, to take our money, whether they needed it or not! YAY!! MORE DEBT!! Oh those taxpayers are really soaking it up now! Hummana, hummana, hummana!
  • WHAT DID ALAN GREENSPAN SAY?? Oh, man, there goes another 600 points off the Dow!
  • "Bailouts Being Used to Finance Retirement Packages." Surprise, surprise, surprise.
  • Now the TARP measure isn't being used to buy all toxic debt? What's going on now?
  • Hmm...General Motors sales fell 45% from a year ago, Ford fell 30%, Chrysler fell 35%, Toyota fell 23%, Honda fell 25%, and Nissan fell 33%.
  • Now the Big 3 want a bailout? Yes! No! Yes! No!
  • The CEOs flew their private jets to Washington while claiming that their companies are BROKE??! GM is producing a 2009 Hummer??!
  • Group says we entered a recession in December 2007. Well, DUH!
It seems clear to me that the auto companies are ALREADY bankrupt, if they're going to Congress and asking for an I.O.U. to stay in business through December. They don't have the guts to come right out and say it. Yet.

As for the rest, it was a mistake to begin with. I think that those companies that would have a negative effect on the value of the dollar overseas (should they fail) need to be bailed out, while the others should get on a payment plan and pay off their debts, just like Joe and Jane Six Pack does.

The government should take the money from this $5 trillion scheme and put it toward paying down our national debt. That'll kill us in the long run and will hurt many more people than the current downturn has/will.

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