Friday, March 12, 2010

Toyota “Mystified” By Runaway Prius in California: I Have a Solution Then

Toyota officials are said to be “mystified” by a runaway Toyota Prius out in California that made headlines after the driver called 911 for help as his car accelerated past 90mph.

Mystified, eh?

Here’s what they need to do next, then.

Recall ALL Priuses, discontinue the entire line, and give owners cash to go buy a safer car of their choice from any manufacturer. Toyota has NO business manufacturing a dangerous vehicle that they are incapable of fixing. And they should pull all fly-by-wire electronics in the engine and transmission and replace them with industry-standard mechanical devices in all other Toyota lines, too.

Their "fix" with their floor mats and gas pedals are clearly NOT the problem.

Toyota’s incompetence in fixing this problem with their product has gotten so ridiculous that it’s unbelievable. I’m glad I’m not driving a Toyota.

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