Tuesday, March 29, 2011

al-Qaeda IS Active in Libyan Civil War: Is Anyone Getting a REALLY Bad Feeling About Arming Them to Fight Qaddafi?

With confirmation that al-Qaeda is actively involved in the Libyan civil war, some questions need answering.  This is a huge problem, though one that was not a surprise, as Libya had the second largest contingent of al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq in recent years.

As far as I’m concerned, the rebels can do without American arms or ammunition or air cover if they’re accepting aid from al-Qaeda.  There have been reports that the Libyan al-Qaeda fighters left the field in Iraq to return to their homeland to join the fight against Qaddafi. 

I have a real issue with arming people who may well take (or send) those arms to Iraq and use them against American soldiers, once Libya’s dictator is gone.  al-Qaeda is our enemy, not our ally. Not under ANY circumstances!  And especially not with the blood of American soldiers and the victims of 9/11 on their hands.

Our Administration needs to decide where its priorities lay.  I think it erred in getting us involved in the first place.  Listening to requests for help from some of the murderous Arab League membership was a huge mistake, and one that will haunt us for a long time to come.

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