Sunday, March 20, 2011

Arab League Declares Libya Has “Lost Its Sovereignty” and Asks For No-Fly Zone, Then Changes Its Mind When It Happens: That’s The LAST Time We Should Listen to Those Idiots!

The Arab League has apparently gotten cold feet in regards to the suppression of Libya’s air defense system, and the defense of Libyan civilians, after begging the West to help set up a no-fly zone.

They are now talking about withdrawing their ill-considered motion, or providing aircraft with all kinds of stipulations on how they are to be used.

What did those Arab League idiots think was going to happen? As soon as the first Tomahawk was fired, and the first Western aircraft entered Libyan airspace, people were going to start dying. These are not toys that the West is dropping on Libya.

We need to hand this operation over to the Arab League ASAP, and pull NATO out of this misbegotten adventure, and tell the Arab League to go screw themselves.

The next time they want a no-fly zone, they can DO IT THEMSELVES without Western help. They’re a bunch of weak-willed hypocrites that some very smart people over here said would jump ship as soon as military action began.

They were right.

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