Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New President of Iran is a Step Up From the Last One: Better a Cleric Than a Terrorist and Hostage Taker Like Ahmadinejad Allegedly Was

I’m no fan of Iran’s form of government, but the new Iranian President is a definite improvement over the last one.  This one’s an intellectual who wants to repair relations with the West, where Ahmadinejad wanted to wipe Israel off the map and confront the United States over his nuclear program.

I know the CIA said that Ahmadinejad wasn’t involved in storming the U.S. Embassy in 1979, but his words and actions against the West and against his own people spoke louder than his denials of being a terrorist.

Hopefully the new President is able to carry out his reforms, and his fellow clerics support his restoration of ties to the West, and a lessening of tensions with Israel.

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