Saturday, August 30, 2014

“Government Publishes Detailed Instructions on How To Roast Marshmallows”: WHAT??! Did the Government Actually Pay For Such a Study and Document?

The U.S. Forestry Department just published a detailed step-by-step document on how to safely roast marshmallows. 

Excuse me?

The U.S. Forestry Department just published a detailed step-by-step document on how to safely roast marshmallows.

THE GOVERNMENT PAID SOMEONE TO RESEARCH AND PUBLISH THIS KIND OF THING??!   If I want a step by step guide, they should have gone and asked a Boy Scout or Girl Scout to write it down on a piece of paper for them.  They wouldn’t have needed to come out with a 700-word manual on roasting marshmallows.

What is this wacko government doing??!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Double Standard in Progress: Harry Reid Uses Racial Slurs AGAIN, and the Dems Are Going to Let Him Off the Hook AGAIN

Harry Reid and the political double standard on racism are at it again.

Senator Reid was at the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce and used some racial slurs during his speech; he quickly offered a lame apology and everyone seems to have accepted it and forgotten about it.

What would have happened if a REPUBLICAN had used such language?  There would be have been much more of a reaction, and pressure would have quickly built up among Democratic politicians and in the media for the Republican to apologize and resign. 

If it’s a liberal Democrat with Harry Reid, there is an embarrassed silence.   He’s a repeat offender…this double standard must end. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Media Should Stop Treating Israel and Hamas Like They’re Some Kind of Equals: Hamas Should Be Looked At in the Same Way That the Islamic State “Caliphate” Is

I’m tired of the way the media has been treating Israel in their recent air and ground offensive against Hamas.  They’ve also been very reluctant to compare Hamas to the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terror group, which has seized vast amounts of Syrian and Iraqi territory.

  • Israel doesn’t use human shields to protect their military assets.  Hamas and the IS do.  
  • The Israelis don’t execute people for practicing a different religion than they do.  Hamas and the IS do. 
  • Israel is a democracy.  Hamas and the IS are not.  In fact, Hamas seized total power by overthrowing the Palestinian Authority in a raging gun battle with Fatah in 2006.  Over the last four days, reports have come out that Israel disrupted a Hamas plot to overthrow the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank as well.
  • Israel protects it’s people.  Hamas and the IS murder their own people by the bushel. In fact, if ordinary Gazans get in the way, Hamas makes an example out of them.  See the video above on the Hamas overthrow of Gaza.

On a side note, can you imagine what would happen if Israel were captured by Hamas?   They wouldn’t offer the Israelis the opportunity to convert to Islam; they’d slaughter every last man, woman and child.  It would be a slaughter, on a scale unseen since the darkest days of World War II and the concentration camps.

The media needs to get its act together and stop treating Israel and Hamas as equals.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Texas Governor Perry Charged With Political Crimes: Texas Really Needs to Get a Handle on What is a Crime and What is Political Tactics, Because the Texas Judiciary is Acting Political and Not Like a Judicial Arm of the Texas Government

First, a couple of definitions…

Political Crime:   a violation of the law or of the public peace for political rather than private reasons; specifically :  one directed against a particular government or political system (credit: Merriam-Webster Online).   My perception of this term is that it’s a political act which inconveniences the other side of a political argument or debate and the other side retaliates by misusing the legal system. 

Criminal offense: a REAL crime.  For example, sexual harassment, rape, wire fraud, mail fraud, tax evasion, lying under oath, driving under the influence, sexual assault, murder, embezzlement, extortion, racketeering, money laundering, insurance fraud, bribery, conspiracy, lewd conduct, manslaughter, obstruction of justice, child pornography, voter fraud, perjury, theft, drug possession, contempt of court/Congress, destroying evidence, treason.  (These are crimes committed by federal officials—credit to Wikipedia)

What has Governor Perry been accused of? 

Abuse of power in the form of a vetoing of a budget of a Texas state government department whose department head was arrested and spent THREE MONTHS in jail for her crime.  Governor Perry wanted her resignation, she said ‘no’.    So when their budget came up for his signature, he vetoed it.  His reason is that the head of the Public Integrity office should have some integrity.  Without it, the department has no reason to continue operating.

So now, if a governor attempts to get a convict to resign from public office, he’s going to be charged with a crime?  This is a political crime, not a real one.

Texas really needs to separate politics from criminal law.   A political act like a veto is not a criminal action in any circumstance.   The correct action for the opposition would be to try to override the veto, but they chose to abuse the legal system instead.  Some sanity in the Texas legal system would be appreciated.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Media’s Blatantly One-Sided and Nonstop Coverage of Killing of A Criminal (Who Happened to be African-American) is Another Example of the Press Trying to Stir People Up Instead of Calming Things Down: No More Media Activism!

I’ve been watching the unfolding story coming out of Ferguson, Missouri with a growing sense of unease, due to the media’s political activism and presenting only their version of what they wish happened, instead of what actually happened.  Right, CNN?

Witness after witness has stated that the “gentle giant” charged the police officer and that the cop opened fire to protect himself.  They’re being called liars by protesters who don’t care about what really happened.   They have their narrative and they’re sticking to it, no matter what the evidence says.

The people on TV stating that marijuana doesn’t alter how a person acts are a joke!  Mind altering drugs DEFINITELY affect how a person acts.   For the media to treat these people as anything other than crackpots is totally ridiculous.

How can showing the “gentle giant” robbing the store be considered to be “character assassination?”   Missouri is required under their “sunshine laws” to share all evidence in the case.  The Jackson/Sharpton crowd are unhappy because, again, it doesn’t fit the chosen narrative.

Finally, the peaceful protests are one thing.  The outside agitators coming in from outside the area to riot and loot are another.  If the demonstrators want to demonstrate peacefully, then they should do so during daylight hours, because the agitators own the night.

If the local prosecutor decides not to pursue the police officer who shot the kid, will all sides accept the decision?  Not a chance!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Germany and Other EU Members Condemn IS Butchery in Iraq: Ho, Hum…If They’re So Worked Up About It, Why Doesn’t the EU Do Something About It?

Germany was quoted as saying they can’t stand idly by while the Islamic State (IS) butchers ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq.

Oh, really?

Sounds like some in the EU are drawing a political “red line” similar to President Obama’s, when he said that use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war would trigger a strong U.S. response.  Chemical weapons were used in Syria, and there was no U.S. response.  Russia’s President Putin saved and humiliated President Obama at the same time.

It’s become obvious that the 2014 version of Iraq will not survive in one piece.   If the EU and the United States arm the Kurds heavily against the Islamic State, who is to say they won’t declare independence from Baghdad, and fight for their political and economic freedom using American and NATO arms?

And what of the Sunnis, who don’t want anything to do with the Shiites?   Seems like the Islamic State is supporting them.

I can see a partition of Iraq, with Sunnis and Shiites crossing into their own territory, such as what happened when India and Pakistan were partitioned.  Hopefully none of them become nuclear-armed like India and Pakistan did.

If the EU wants to take the lead, then they should lead from in front, and not behind the United States, which is engaging IS with air strikes so far.

Please, no more red lines from the West.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Hamas Tunnels Are Proof That Blockade Against Gaza Needs to Be Strengthened, Not Lifted: Concrete Used in Tunnels Was Diverted from Projects Designed to Help Palestinian People and Instead Used to Benefit Hamas’ Militarism

Israel’s stunning photos of Hamas’s underground tunnels show that Hamas is willing to hurt the Palestinian people to benefit itself at their expense.  The tunnels are huge, and constructed of steel and concrete, materials that should have been used for building apartments, hospitals, schools, power plants and other similar projects that would have eased the suffering of the Palestinian people.  Instead, Hamas diverted the materials and built tunnels to bring rockets and explosives across the border, and to transport terror cells under the border into Israel.

In addition, the U.N. has reported that its buildings and schools have been used as ammunition depots and launching areas for Hamas rockets; Hamas uses densely populated civilian neighborhoods to do the same thing, hoping that Israel will attempt to knock out Hamas rocket launchers that are near lots of civilians.

We already knew that Hamas couldn’t be trusted to abide by any international norms in its dealings with Israel, but the tunnels are the proof that the Palestinian people are being used as Hamas pawns, and that Hamas will continue to steal resources and lives from ordinary Gazans who just want to live out their lives in peace.   Gaza really needs a civil war to throw Hamas out, so that this can happen.

Israel recently suggested that the Gaza Strip be demilitarized in exchange for a permanent cease-fire.  This is a great idea, and one that Hamas will never agree to, so long as they refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist.

I see no quick end to this.