Friday, August 15, 2014

Germany and Other EU Members Condemn IS Butchery in Iraq: Ho, Hum…If They’re So Worked Up About It, Why Doesn’t the EU Do Something About It?

Germany was quoted as saying they can’t stand idly by while the Islamic State (IS) butchers ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq.

Oh, really?

Sounds like some in the EU are drawing a political “red line” similar to President Obama’s, when he said that use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war would trigger a strong U.S. response.  Chemical weapons were used in Syria, and there was no U.S. response.  Russia’s President Putin saved and humiliated President Obama at the same time.

It’s become obvious that the 2014 version of Iraq will not survive in one piece.   If the EU and the United States arm the Kurds heavily against the Islamic State, who is to say they won’t declare independence from Baghdad, and fight for their political and economic freedom using American and NATO arms?

And what of the Sunnis, who don’t want anything to do with the Shiites?   Seems like the Islamic State is supporting them.

I can see a partition of Iraq, with Sunnis and Shiites crossing into their own territory, such as what happened when India and Pakistan were partitioned.  Hopefully none of them become nuclear-armed like India and Pakistan did.

If the EU wants to take the lead, then they should lead from in front, and not behind the United States, which is engaging IS with air strikes so far.

Please, no more red lines from the West.

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