Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trump Calls Cruz “Unstable”: Trump Must Be Joking as He’s Obviously Talking About Himself

“Unstable” is not a term that is applicable to Ted Cruz.  That term fits Donald Trump perfectly, so it’s highly hypocritical that he’s calling someone else unstable.

Which candidate can’t get along with people who disagree with him?  Which candidate has to resort to name-calling and insults to distract the opposition from debating real issues?  Which one can’t let a feud go and move on?  Which one never apologizes because he’s “never” wrong?  Which one has gone on highly-public profanity-laced tirades when things aren’t going his way?  Which one is highly bombastic and a prima donna?

TRUMP’s instability makes him unfit to be President, so he should stop criticizing others from his highly-jaded point of view and address his own personal problems before attempting to transfer them to others. 

I still find it amazing that he’s able to label others with his own personal negative attributes so successfully.  The media eats that stuff up as the GOP candidates are being severely damaged by Trump’s antics and are responding in kind, so that the media’s preferred Democratic candidates have more source material to deploy against their eventual GOP rival.

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