As a self-declared enemy of the KKK, I don’t understand why Donald Trump seems to be half-heartedly denouncing David Duke and his KKK associates.
Trump may have made a big mistake.
Any candidate who doesn’t come out against the Klan and other white power groups should quit the race. And not admitting to a mistake isn’t working to Trump’s advantage.
Trump reminds me of the Hutu idiot who took to the radio in Rwanda in 1994, and told his supporters to start “exterminating the cockroaches”, referring to the Tutsi minority in Rwanda. One hundred days later, 800,000+ people were dead.
Trump is very careless with the kind of language that he uses. Dropping race bombs and not standing up to people doing the devil’s work will divide this country even more than it already is. It may even incite a race war, which is EXACTLY what racial troublemakers want.
Trump needs to change course and fast. If he becomes the President, he needs to reverse the damage that our current President has already incurred on the nation’s already-fragile race relations. Enough of the race bombs and half-measures.
He has to tell David Duke off and make a lot of noise doing so, before the voters punish him either during the remaining primaries, or during the general election in November.
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