Saturday, September 17, 2016

Airstrike Coordination with Russia on ISIS Targets in Syria is Not Practical Without U.S. & Russian Agreement on What Syrian Leadership Will Look Like After End of War: Without That Common Goal, Efforts to Jointly Fight ISIS Will Fail

Coordinated airstrikes with Russia in Syria against ISIS?  Not likely.  Russia will stab us in the back at the drop of a hat, and I’m not sure if the current U.S. leadership will have the backbone to do anything about it.

The problem will be in defining where ISIS is.  Russia thinks they’re in rebel-controlled areas who are actually rebelling against Syrian President Assad and also fighting ISIS themselves.  The U.S. is actually bombing ISIS in Syria and in Iraq.

In order for the U.S. and Russia to be effective with their airstrikes, they have to have common cause.  And that includes who will be running Syria after this civil war draws to a close, which it eventually will.  The U.S. wants the rebel opposition running the country, while Russia has been bombing them to support the existing Syrian leadership, who is a friend of Russia’s. 

It doesn’t bode well that the first joint airstrike managed to bomb a Syrian army unit, and that the U.S. coalition dropped the bombs.  I think this will happen again since Russia is involved in the targeting.   I also think Russia will refuse to bomb U.S.-suggested targets.

I doubt this alliance will last, unless there’s a shared vision between America and Russia of what post-civil war Syria will look like first.

Monday, September 12, 2016

If National Anthem is Going to Be Used to Further a Paid Athlete’s Political Agenda, Stop Playing It at Sporting Events

I’m not a fan of people abusing the national anthem to further their own political agenda, nor am I a fan of the news media even bothering to cover the story.

It occurs to me that if the media had covered the original protest once, then let it fade that this “protest” would have also faded, like most of the others do.  But the media became part of the story, again, which they’re not supposed to do on purpose and hit the “zoom” button on the cameras to focus attention on one or two players and away from the rest of their fellow players, teams and games.

They did the same thing when Tim Tebow was praying during football games.  The media hit the zoom button and focused in on one player for the sole purpose of ridiculing Tim for his religious belief and practices.   The media coverage was very offensive, especially when Tebow’s team lost a game here or there. 

I don’t watch sports to get my politics.  I watch sports to take a break from all the political garbage that’s on TV and prefer not to see politics during a sporting event.  I would imagine that if I had paid for expensive seats to an NFL game that I wouldn’t be happy to have politics turn up there.

If the National Anthem is not going to be done respectfully, don’t play it at all.   Keep the political garbage out of pro sports too.  We get enough of that already without having to pay for it too.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

If Hillary Has a Coughing Fit During a Debate With Donald Trump, She’s Going to Get Annihilated: Trump Will Zero Right in on Her Health and So Will the Press

Hillary Clinton may need to disclose what’s really going on with her health prior to her first debate with Donald Trump.  The reason why is that if she has a coughing fit during the debate with Trump standing right there, he’s not going to show any mercy.    He’ll be all over that situation, and demanding that she come clean in the presence of everybody.

I’d rather she have the coughing fit during the debate.  That’ll make for some excellent viewing and drama on TV.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Fox & Friends Stars Contributed to $60 Million Payout Over Sexual Harassment Lawsuit: Doocy & Kilmeade Have to Go

I’m a fan of Fox & Friends, but Gretchen Carlson’s lawsuit put the show into a different light, and not in a good way.  And I’m having a very hard time watching it now.

Fox recently settled the lawsuit that Carlson filed with a $20 million payout plus a public apology to her.  This is in addition to the $40 million severance paycheck that Fox gave to outgoing chair Roger Ailes, who was the target of the lawsuit.  He did a tremendous amount of damage to the company.

Ailes wasn’t alone in his sexual harassment of Gretchen Carlson.  Fox & Friends co-stars Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade contributed to the hostile work environment that Carlson and other female employees experienced and were stupid enough to express their sexist comments on-the-air.

I can’t see how they’re going to be able to hold onto their jobs.  They contributed to this public relations disaster, and if they keep degrading their female co-workers on the air as they already have, they run the risk of another high-profile lawsuit. 

Sexual harassment is ILLEGAL.

Doocy and Kilmeade need to be publicly taken out to the woodshed, or fired.   It’s very unfortunate, but they brought this down on themselves.   Doocy was named in the lawsuit.

I’m very sad that it’s come down to this.  Fox needs to fix this problem.