Sunday, November 27, 2016

What’s the Media Doing, Pointing Out Giuliani Conflicts of Interest, While Sticking Their Head in the Sand When SecState/Clinton Foundation Problems Were Made Public? Hypocrites!

The media shouldn’t give Giuliani a hard time about conflict of interests; they didn’t even bat an eye when Clinton’s pay-to-play affair was going on with the Clinton Foundation and gave her a virtual pass during the campaign.  A few papers pointed out the problems, but most didn’t.

The press has no leg to stand on.  Attacking Giuliani for doing a good job for his company as a private citizen, while ignoring Clinton violations of the law that gets other public officials into serious trouble is among the worst kinds of journalism out there.  There are literally dozens of stories on lesser (than Secretary of State) public officials being shown the door because they broke the law.   Do a Google search on “conflict of interest resigns” and see what happens.  Hit the News tab.

The media’s ploy to get their candidate into the White House failed, and now they’re doing their best to disparage everybody who is being looked at for a possible position in the Trump  Administration.  Tabloid journalists.

Romney Would Do a Better Job as Administrator for the Small Business Administration or Postmaster General than as Secretary of State: Trump Needs Someone as SecState Who Has a Similar Worldview as He Does

I’m concerned about a possible Mitt Romney nomination as Secretary of State.   He and President-elect Trump do not share a similar worldview, which is vital for the President and Secretary of State to have.

The last thing we need is a SecState making deals overseas and then having President Trump override him, which would severely undermine Romney’s credibility.  That’s the very last thing we need after all the damage that Clinton and Kerry did during their times as Secretary of State.

I think Romney would be better in the Small Business Administration or even as Postmaster General.

Rudy Giuliani seems to share a similar worldview and could represent President-elect Trump very efficiently.  

As far as Giuliani’s conflict of interests goes, the media seems to be overlooking the fact that his overseas deals were as a private citizen on behalf of his company, not as any kind of a government official.  There can be no talk of conflict of interest at this stage of the game because the conditions for it to exist didn’t.  The media’s putting the wagon before the horse.   

The Secretary of State is required to comply with conflict-of-interest laws and he would have to separate from his business interests, unlike the President.  I think he’d put  his business affairs in order before taking office, if President-elect Trump chose him and he agreed to do it.

A decision should be made soon.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Castro’s Finally Gone? Too Bad His Entire Government Didn’t Go With Him

Castro’s finally gone?  Meh. 

Nothing’s changed for the everyday Cuban.  His government is still in place with his brother running things.  It’s too soon to tell if the passing of Fidel Castro is a turning point, or a moot point for Cuba.

We’ll see what the Cubans do next.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Electoral College is the Whipping Boy of the Left Again: Founders Knew What They Were Doing When They Wrote It Into the Constitution

There’s been a lot of talk about blocking the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College, but it will not happen.  And it shouldn’t.   The Founders knew what they were doing when they designed it.  First, let’s look at a map of the United States as it is today:


The blue-shaded areas are the counties where fully half of the population of the United States lives.   There are roughly 3,000 counties in the U.S. and half the population lives in 146 of them.  Everybody else lives in the remaining 2,854 counties across the country. 

If it was pure democracy as some have suggested, and the Electoral College was no more, the 146 counties above would dominate American politics and elections, leaving the remaining 2,854 counties in the dust and potentially voiceless.  I don’t want to be disrespectful to anyone in these 146 counties, but those are typically Democratic strongholds.

The Founders were so concerned that smaller states would be dominated by bigger ones that they created two houses of Congress: one based on population and one based on equal representation.  They also made the population-based house the “lower” house while the two-per-state Senate is the “upper” house.

I do not live in one of the blue-shaded counties, nor would I want to.  But I do want an equal say in who represents me in Congress, and in the White House.  The Electoral College guarantees it.

Currently we have a part of our population so concerned that President-elect Trump will destroy the country that they’ve taken it upon themselves to destroy the country themselves.  I find it very interesting that the majority of the riots are in the larger blue-shaded areas.  Some aren’t, but many of them are.

Compare the 146 county map with the map where the riots and protests are taking place:



Credit for riot map: Fox News

I’ll take the Electoral College over mob rule every time, thank you very much.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Liberals Should Quit the “Petulant Child” Routine, Act Their Age and Help Fix This Country’s Problems: Saving America By Burning Parts of It Down That You Don’t Like Isn’t the Way!

------NOTE: this applies to the protesters out in the streets, not the people who woke up the next day, went to work and carried on with their lives like normal people do.-----

It’s funny how hypocritical the Dems and Libs street-protesting Donald Trump’s victory are. 

They condemn hate groups and “alt-right” (I had to look up the term as the liberal media has been going on and on about it) fringe elements, but it’s OK for them to go out and burn down buildings, riot, pull people with different skin colors out of their cars and screaming “YOU VOTED FOR TRUMP!” and savagely beating them.  

They should really stop with the “petulant child” routine, act their age and help fix the problem, not contribute to it and then throw blame on everybody else, or the Electoral College, or whatever the scapegoat of the day happens to be.

The ones moaning and bellyaching on Facebook and issuing death threats to this person and that person really need to be locked up for a while, including this fool, although he’s already paid a steep price. 

Street protesters from either side need to practice restraint and respect their fellow Americans.  And take the time to VOTE, not sit home and expect your side to win when not enough voters turn out.

Hate groups can go crawl back under their rotten logs and stay there.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Trump Wins, But He’s Got a Lot to Prove: He Needs to Start by Acting Presidential

Hillary Clinton lost her second bid to become President, and I’m grateful for that.   She can get back to making $100,000 a speech on the lecture circuit. 

But Donald Trump as the next President will be a challenge in itself.  Since he’s been on both sides of just about every issue, I’m more than a little concerned about his positions.  Let’s get out and say it…he’s not an experienced politician.  He’s an entertainer.  I’d feel better if he had at least one other elected position under his belt, like Ronald Reagan did.  Reagan was an actor, but he had been governor of California (twice) before taking office as President in 1981. 

As Trump’s real positions develop, my support or opposition will develop accordingly.

I am enjoying how much the press is wailing and how bad the pollsters look after royally screwing up their numbers.   This isn’t the first time that the polls got it wrong.   Some people are squirming and I’m enjoying every moment of it.

Trump needs to hire some wise and experienced advisors and listen to what they’re telling him.   And he needs to make nice with the other 48% that didn’t support him.  He also needs to limit his Twitter time and stop feuding with people.   It’s un-presidential to do that kind of stuff and we really need him to be presidential.

Monday, November 07, 2016

It’s Become Clear That the American Voter Will Have to Deliver the Justice That the FBI Won’t or Can’t: Vote Your Conscience, America

I do believe that the FBI Director has been overthrown, possibly from within his own agency in a worst-case scenario, or by the Department of Justice, which has become a personal shield for Democratic Presidents and their appointees.  He was trying to do the right thing and appeared to backtrack when he said that there was nothing new in the emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer.  I think he will be sacked before President Obama leaves office.

I’m also wondering where the number 600,000 came from with references to the number of emails found on he-who-will-not-be-named from this point forward’s laptop.   Was that his own personal emails mixed in with the Clinton emails, or were these 600,000+ emails from the Clinton campaign?  That’s pretty unclear.  In their prior statements, the FBI referenced some 33,000 emails that they were looking at from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, plus an unknown(?) number of emails that were deleted. 

Now, since the FBI isn’t going to move forward on delivering justice in this case, the American voter has the opportunity to do the same thing tomorrow.  Do not elect Hillary Clinton.  There are plenty of other candidates who aren’t criminals who would do a acceptable job as President, whether they have an (R) after their name, or an (I).  Whether they would be able to get anything done with a deeply polarized Congress is an open question, but they’d be confronting the same issues as a Clinton or Trump Administration.

We will see what happens, but all I’m going to say is this: vote your conscience, America.    I’ll have a lot to say about the celebrities who have vowed to leave this country if Trump wins. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

No Clowns Got Shot on Halloween: A Bit of Rationality Takes Hold in Crazy Times

There have been no reports of any costumed clowns getting shot by armed parents over Halloween, but several incidents from before Halloween remain under investigation.

Hopefully this is the end of this particular phenomenon.