There’s been a lot of talk about blocking the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College, but it will not happen. And it shouldn’t. The Founders knew what they were doing when they designed it. First, let’s look at a map of the United States as it is today:
The blue-shaded areas are the counties where fully half of the population of the United States lives. There are roughly 3,000 counties in the U.S. and half the population lives in 146 of them. Everybody else lives in the remaining 2,854 counties across the country.
If it was pure democracy as some have suggested, and the Electoral College was no more, the 146 counties above would dominate American politics and elections, leaving the remaining 2,854 counties in the dust and potentially voiceless. I don’t want to be disrespectful to anyone in these 146 counties, but those are typically Democratic strongholds.
The Founders were so concerned that smaller states would be dominated by bigger ones that they created two houses of Congress: one based on population and one based on equal representation. They also made the population-based house the “lower” house while the two-per-state Senate is the “upper” house.
I do not live in one of the blue-shaded counties, nor would I want to. But I do want an equal say in who represents me in Congress, and in the White House. The Electoral College guarantees it.
Currently we have a part of our population so concerned that President-elect Trump will destroy the country that they’ve taken it upon themselves to destroy the country themselves. I find it very interesting that the majority of the riots are in the larger blue-shaded areas. Some aren’t, but many of them are.
Compare the 146 county map with the map where the riots and protests are taking place:
Credit for riot map: Fox News
I’ll take the Electoral College over mob rule every time, thank you very much.
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