I do believe that the FBI Director has been overthrown, possibly from within his own agency in a worst-case scenario, or by the Department of Justice, which has become a personal shield for Democratic Presidents and their appointees. He was trying to do the right thing and appeared to backtrack when he said that there was nothing new in the emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer. I think he will be sacked before President Obama leaves office.
I’m also wondering where the number 600,000 came from with references to the number of emails found on he-who-will-not-be-named from this point forward’s laptop. Was that his own personal emails mixed in with the Clinton emails, or were these 600,000+ emails from the Clinton campaign? That’s pretty unclear. In their prior statements, the FBI referenced some 33,000 emails that they were looking at from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, plus an unknown(?) number of emails that were deleted.
Now, since the FBI isn’t going to move forward on delivering justice in this case, the American voter has the opportunity to do the same thing tomorrow. Do not elect Hillary Clinton. There are plenty of other candidates who aren’t criminals who would do a acceptable job as President, whether they have an (R) after their name, or an (I). Whether they would be able to get anything done with a deeply polarized Congress is an open question, but they’d be confronting the same issues as a Clinton or Trump Administration.
We will see what happens, but all I’m going to say is this: vote your conscience, America. I’ll have a lot to say about the celebrities who have vowed to leave this country if Trump wins.
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