Tuesday, December 06, 2016

As Anticipated, Trump Calls Air Force One a Step Down From His Own Aircraft; Calls on Boeing to Cancel Air Force One Order Over Potential Costs

I saw this one coming.

Trump doesn’t like the idea of flying in Air Force One, with all of its advanced communications and on-board defense technology and considers it a step-down.

It’s easy to see why:


The above photo is one section of Air Force One.  That’s pretty much the motif throughout the aircraft in terms of design and comfort.

The photo below is a shot from Trump One, or whatever he’s calling his personal aircraft.   It’s gorgeous.     


The President-elect fired off a Tweet yesterday citing the potential $4 billion development cost for a new-generation Air Force One currently under design over at Boeing and calling for the order to be canceled.   That caused a stir.

Just wait until then-President Trump has to fly aboard a no-bells-or-whistles Air Force transport into a conflict zone.  The Air Force may get some nice upgrades afterwards.

In any case, I don’t like the idea of putting military tech onto a civilian aircraft.  He should bite the bullet, and get used to flying on Air Force One.  

The development cost should be looked at.   Is it better to upgrade a 25 year old airframe, or buy a new one? 

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