Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Senate Should Vote Against Betsy DeVos and Send Her Back to Michigan to Clean Up the Mess She Created: There Are Much Better Potential Nominees for Secretary of Education Out There

The Senate is scheduled to vote on the Secretary of Education nominee, Betsy DeVos, around noontime today.

She’s created quite the mess back home, and hopefully the Senate will not confirm her, so that she can return to Michigan and clean up her huge mess that she made in the years prior to her nomination.

We don’t need a rich lobbyist as the Secretary of Education….we need someone who was the Superintendent of a highly successful public school district with a proven track record of turning a failing system around, which is something that DeVos has failed at.

Republicans have a reputation for not rewarding failure, and to have them vote for someone with a track record like hers would be downright discouraging and a huge black mark against that reputation.

I hope the Senate votes wisely today and turns her nomination down.

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