Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Where is the President Getting His Information? Is He Even Bothering to Look Up The Facts He’s Getting Wrong? FBI Records Show That The U.S. Murder Rate is Among the LOWEST in Fifty-One Years, Not Highest in Forty-Seven Years As He Claims

I can’t believe what I’m hearing the President say on an almost daily basis.   He keeps getting facts wrong, to an extreme level.

For example, today he told a law enforcement group that the U.S. murder rate was the highest in forty-seven years.  Yet a simple Google search clearly shows that the murder rate is among the LOWEST in almost fifty-one years.

I don’t know where President Trump is getting his information from, but if it’s from someone other than himself, he needs to fire that individual for misleading him.

He’s been claiming that during the campaign too, but he’s just plain wrong.  

President Trump needs to start looking up information himself and quit parroting back false information.  In a way, he’s spreading the very kind of false news that he’s accused others of doing.  He isn’t helping his Presidency.

Still waiting.

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