Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Stone Faced Democrats at the 2018 State of the Union? No, They Were STONED! And Something…Else…Too!



Someone had better cut this guy off of whatever he’s on.  He presents the appearance of a serial….something.   Looks like he’s undressing somebody with his eyes.   Yuck!

And to contrast the Republicans to the Democrats:


If one was going to hang around with a group of people based on facial expressions alone, with no knowledge of their political affillation or background, which would you choose?  

Democrats, don’t show up stoned to official events.  It makes you look as bad as you actually are.

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Stock of Several Members of the House and Senate Have Gone Up With Me: They’ve Refused Their Pay During the Shutdown

I’m appreciative of the members of Congress who have decided to forego their pay while the government was shut down.  Here’s the list if anyone is interested. 

Some are sponsoring legislation to deny lawmakers any pay during government shutdowns.   This is a positive move forward and one that may help to restore some (currently non-existent) credibility to a Congress in need of favorable optics with the public.

If it comes up for a vote, we’ll see their true colors with their votes.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Congress is Still Getting Paid While Rank and File is Not, and Vice President is Traveling to Middle East While Government is Out of Money: This Isn’t Right

I see that Congress is still getting paid during the shutdown, while everybody down the federal food chain is not.   Major irritant….

Before the next government shutdown, Congress needs to pass a law that says that government shutdown policies also apply to Congress and the President.  Perhaps then they’ll keep this from happening again.  And they shouldn’t be allowed to override the law either once they cross the point of no return.   

Congress getting paid while everyone else does not isn’t right.  They helped to cause this mess, so they should be up to their eyeballs in the stew too.

The other thing that’s annoying me is that the Vice-President is going to the Middle East while the government is out of money.  It costs roughly $206,337 an hour to operate Air Force 2.  How is Air Force 2 to be refueled?   Full faith and credit?  Prepaid fuel?   Do they have a gas card for  Air Force 2?  What?  This trip should be rescheduled, as embarrassing a step as that is.  

Until the upper echelons of the federal government join the others in not getting paid, I don’t want to hear a single word of who’s to blame.   It doesn’t mean a thing.  They’re all responsible for failing to pass a budget that reduces the $20 trillion debt.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Turnabout: Republicans Focused on Hillary’s Health During the Campaign, Now the Liberals Are Focused on Trump’s Physical and Mental Health

This is too delicious to ignore.

The GOP focused on Hillary Clinton’s health during the 2016 Elections, for very good reasons.  She was having coughing fits, fainting spells and seemed to be out of it at times, which caused many to question her fitness for the highest office in the land.  There were photographs of security people carrying around auto-injectors to treat various maladies and the cover-up theorists (including this one) were in full swing, to the point that even the liberal press had to start asking questions.  Even then, they were handling the Clinton camp with kid gloves. 

Fast forward to this morning.   President Trump’s mental health has been openly questioned by many on the liberal side of the equation, and his physical has been an obsession of the liberal press for many days.  In the most ridiculous press conference ever seen, the liberal press hounded the President’s personal physician for anything that they could attach to with regards to his physical results, and the results of a cognitive thinking test that was unexpectedly requested by the President to put the media in its place.

The press is definitely making fools out of themselves.  They’re coming up shorthanded on this fishing expedition and not finding the narrative that they’re desperately looking for.   This is a dead-end story, libs.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Weighing In: Trump’s Wince-Causing Language Aside, the President Had a Reason for Calling Them What He Did (If He Did at All)

I’ve been watching the ongoing debate over President Trump’s un-diplomatic language that he is famous for.  Is there a reason that he might think that the nations involved aren’t so good?

Oh, yes.

Africa has many military and paramilitary situations going on.  The Armed Conflict Location and Data Event Project (ACLED) is an excellent source on the various kinds of violence that have taken place in Africa since 1997.  It isn’t pretty.

How many Africans have been displaced by violence in their countries?   At least 2.4 million by violence or by internal strife, making it second only to the Middle East, with a million more displaced by natural disasters in 2015 alone.  The total is somewhere in the neighborhood of 12.4 million people for the years studied in the above link.

How many failed or near-failing states in Africa?  Quite a few.

The above links are data-heavy, but they all paint a not-so-nice picture of some of President Trump’s targets.

So does President Trump have a point, referring to Haiti and African countries as s-hole nations (if he did at all)?   Yes, he definitely does, given the information contained in the links above.  

Should he have used better language?  Yes, he definitely should have.  Is he a racist?  I don’t know; that remains to be seen.  The term “racist” is so politicized that I’m not sure what it means anymore.

Should some of the African nations he referred to be quite as indignant as they have been in the last 24 hours?  Given their (proven) ATROCIOUS track record on human rights, military conflicts within their own borders and failed political and economic systems, they should be criticizing their OWN leaders for screwing up their countries beyond belief instead of calling the ONLY Western leader who calls a spade a spade a “racist.”. 

Their countries suck, plain and simple!    So President Trump definitely has a point.

Human rights are not optional, as some of these failed states have treated them. 

The exact moment that someone in these African countries can say “screw the security forces and the ruling idiot in the palace” or “screw the government” without fear of being disappeared, tortured, having their families threatened or murdered, the sooner they can be considered a successful nation, and not failed ones as they currently are.

Until that time, they have no leg to stand on when someone criticizes their nations, no matter how plain-spoken or offensive it is.  

12.4 million refugees?  If that was a nation’s population, it would be larger than 158 countries with lesser populations.  That is DISGRACEFUL!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Democrats Boycotting State of the Union Address: Good, Fewer Windbags in the Room Taking Up Oxygen

Do the Democrats really think that their boycotting the State of the Union address will make any difference at all?

Fewer windbags in the room?  Sounds great to me, since there are plenty of other windbags in there.   Is Cowboy Congress-lady boycotting it too?  We’ll miss her ridiculous hat and oversized color-clashing fake rose.

In fact, there’s nothing in the Constitution that says the President has to do a State of the Union in person.  It says that the President  "shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” (Article II, Section 3, Clause 1).

My interpretation is that the statement means that if he chooses to, he could send Congress a letter, send them a postcard from time to time, send them a fax, send them an email, do his State of the Union from the Oval Office, or post it to Twitter or YouTube.   Who cares?

He still has time to cancel the affair and deliver his State of the Union message in another format.  

I’m in favor of the YouTube format.  It would honk off the news networks to no end.   Given the treatment they’ve been giving him since Day 1, that reaction would probably please the President greatly. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Potty Mouth Liberal Networks Put Swears All Over Their Pages, While Fox Least Follows Journalistic Standards; So Does CBS News and ABC News


Oh, we shouldn’t forget our friend Drudge, where we expect this kind of language.  He didn’t disappoint:
I’d just like to point out that those networks that don’t bother with journalistic ethics on their web sites anymore with regards to President Trump are extensions of the Democratic Party, and they’ve proven it with their headlines.  They went for the shock value.    And they wonder why the Trump Administration is so hostile toward them.  Duh!

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Hey, Academy Awards!! Your Response to the Weinstein Problem is of Your Making, So Don’t You Dare Regret What You’ve Done Now, Plus Oscar Notes

There was a huge push in liberal Hollywood to excommunicate Harvey Weinstein from everything related to the moviemaking industry, including the Academy Awards, the Screen Actors Guild, the organization behind the Oscars, his own Weinstein Company, and tons of others.

I do not disagree with the decisions to do so, though it’d be better if he was charged with a crime or sued for damages and had his day in court, as well as his victims.  Innocent until proven guilty…does that ring a bell, Hollywood?  Over the last few days, some in the Academy Awards have been quoted as regretting their decision to ban Weinstein so hastily.   Oh, really?

The reason behind the heartburn is that now they have others that they have to deal with, including some of Hollywood’s elite names.

I don’t feel too sorry for their problem.  They made the correct decision, now it’s time to chuck some others out and clean up their act.   I think they’re going to screw things up and not use the same standards that they used against Weinstein.

On a side note related to Weinstein, the Oscars are coming up soon, and there were Twitter rumors going around that Harvey Weinstein was at the hotel that the Oscars were being held at.  His spokesperson denied it.   In any case, there was a huge freak-out in Hollywood.   I wonder what would happen if he did show up.  Would he be allowed in, and how much screaming would be going on?   And would he be wearing black like everybody else?

I will be skipping the Oscars; it’s just another liberal Democratic rally with a different theme this year.  I anticipate lots of potshots at the White House again.