Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Patriot Act Misused to Charge Man With Pointing Laser at Aircraft

A man who was accused of pointing a laser beam at a landing chartered jet’s cockpit area and a helicopter in New Jersey has been arrested and charged with a violation of the Patriot Act.


The FBI has admitted that this incident had nothing to do with terrorism, but charged him under the auspices of the Patriot Act of 2001, saying the man was “foolhardy and negligent.”

Why does the government do stuff like this?

Are they so desperate to give the Patriot Act good press that they are stooping to this level?

He is being charged with interfering with the operator of a mass-transit vehicle and for lying to the FBI after he accused his daughter of doing it.

The charge was only leveled against the shining of the airliner and not the helicopter. The reason for this is that a helicopter is not recognized as a mass-transit vehicle under the Patriot Act.

If the Patriot Act were not being used, this man would be facing at least seven federal charges. But he’s facing two under an Act that is being reviewed by a federal court on whether it’s constitutional or not. This sounds like a case that’s going to slip through the government’s fingers.

Here's the story.

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