Tuesday, January 25, 2005

When Politics Go Bad: Activists Charged With Election-Day Sabotage

If you remember, before the general elections in November, a number of political offices were shot at, looted and burned, flag displays in front yards were vandalized, yard signs were taken, homes were damaged, and cars with the wrong bumper sticker were vandalized. All of this was done in the name of "exercising political expression." Nonsense!

At least five activists in Wisconsin were charged today with slashing the tires of twenty-five rented vehicles in the employ of the state Republican Party. Several others in four other states were under investigation for their role in the vandalism. Idiots!

The punishments for such crimes are not severe enough to deter overly emotional people from acting on those emotions. Hatred kills common sense and lack of common sense gets idiots like those who were charged in Wisconsin into serious trouble.

Katherine Harris of Florida was nearly run over by an upset Democrat who was "excercising his political expression." (See news brief here). There were other reports of people being threatened regardless of their political affiliation. This must stop.

Politics is politics, but violence is not politics. Violence in all forms is a crime. Period. Some of these idiots say that they were upset about this or that and acted on their emotions. And some activist judge will probably be sympathetic to their feelings and give them probation instead of a good kick in the a$$!

Perhaps some time behind bars will cure these idiots of their stupidity and convince others to think twice before acting on their hatred.

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