Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Star Wars Defense Shield Revisited--Part II

Going on with the Star Wars anti-missile system, the topic of rogue nations is frequently mentioned by the proponents of the shield.

It is feared that the U.S. will one day be threatened or attacked by a rogue nation and that’s the primary basis for the anti-ICBM system.

Would such a system work? The test results thus far have not been encouraging. It also doesn’t take “local” threats into consideration either. What if an enemy launched a SCUD with a nuclear warhead from a freighter off the coast of New York instead of firing it from four thousand miles away? The system doesn’t account for that. What about a sub-launched missile from off the coast? Would there be time to redeploy anti-missile assets to deal with a missile impact that would occur three minutes later?

Theatre defense will address these areas that are being ignored in favor of a bigger picture. Continuing to develop missile defense systems that protect smaller areas of territory is definitely worth the cost.

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