Utter madness and stupidity!!
A church that is poisonously opposed to the gay lifestyle showed up at the funeral services of two Tennessee soldiers who died in the service of their country, saying that God was punishing American soldiers for fighting on behalf of a country that "harbors gays."
Oh, those poor families.
No matter how one feels about homosexuality, there is a time and a place for protesting and a funeral definitely is NOT the place to pull a stunt like this.
Those protestors should beg for forgiveness for what they have done to these two grieving families and communities. Yes, they had the right to do so, but come on! This is far worse than protestors shouting at Walter Reed Army Hospital. (See previous post for info on that fiasco).
Those families wanted closure and for the funerals for their loved ones to go well; they got hatred and anger over something that they didn't care about at the moment as they prepared to bury their dead.
Disgraceful and tasteless! Is there no sense of decency in those protestors?
"God hates fags" and "God hates you" should not be buzzwords for protestors to use against others. Is that not taking the name of God in vain? For a church to do it is sickening, scandalous and worthy of nothing but contempt.
Here's the story on the funerals.
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