Wednesday, August 17, 2005

New Internet Worm Hits Microsoft Windows: What's the Solution?


Switch to Linux immediately.

It's free and can be configured to be similar to a WinXP desktop.

Seriously, go read about Linux, do the research, and see if Linux (Mandrake/Mandriva Linux in particular) is what you need. Tired of Windows crashing? Lose the installation disk and don't have the original receipt? Tired of having a bullseye painted on your computer and your most important files that you need to work at risk?

I'm on week 4 of my Linux experience so far. It's nice to have a computer that doesn't crash anymore. OpenOffice does enough to make the transition away from MS Office easy. If you can't live without it, there are programs that create a Windows environment (without all the garbage) that allow many of your Windows programs to work in Linux.

So think about that next time your computer goes down with a virus and all your meticulous work is lost.

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