Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Marine Battalion from Ohio Takes Heavy Casualties: nineteen Die in Two Days


In a shocking reminder that there is still a war going on, news broke that a small Ohio town lost nineteen of its Marine sons over the last two days.

The unit was engaged in heavy combat in western Iraq; five Marines died yesterday as they were on sniper duty; fourteen others died today after an improvised explosive device (IED) went off next to their transport.

It is widely believed that no other unit has been hit as hard since the start of the war.

Brook Park, Ohio, is suffering greatly from the loss of so many of their own.

This calls into question the practice of keeping "hometown" reserve units together in combat areas. During the Vietnam War, reservists were sent into different units so the likelihood of a disaster like this one striking a single town was minimized.

Since so many reservists are in Iraq and Afghanistan under the "modern" system, it is very possible that something like this will happen again.

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