Friday, October 14, 2005

Another Elian Gonzales-style Case Inevitable: Prepare for the Worst

Most American adults remember the fiasco of the Elian Gonzales case in Florida and the stunning pictures of the boy being forcibly removed from the home of his Florida relatives.

Ready for Round II?

News broke this morning of a six-year-old Cuban boy who drowned during some kind of smuggling operation that was intended to get him and his compatriots into Miami.

He was the only one to die in a speedboat that overturned as it ran from a U.S. Coast Guard cutter that had ordered it to stand-to.

This story calls to mind the memories of the Gonzales case and a reminder that Cuban children are arriving in the U.S. almost daily.

It is now only a matter of time before a child arrives in the U.S. in the custody of a custodial or non-custodial parent; something happens to the parent and Cuban exiles take the child in. Then the other parent, still in Cuba, and still a diehard Castro supporter, demands the child's return. And then we're off to the races. The clock has been running since the day that the Elian drama began.

Before long, the press gets wind of what's going on and shortly thereafter we will have Cuban exiles taking to the streets trying to stop law enforcement people from taking the child. And all of us are thinking: "Oh, no. Not again."

Is America ready to have it's heart broken again?

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