Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Lawyer Nominated for Supreme Court--No Experience as a Judge?

People are holding their breath to see what will happen with President Bush's latest choice for the U.S. Supreme Court.

He has nominated his attorney, White House counsel Harriet Miers, to succeed Sandra Day O'Conner.

Is she qualified to be a justice of the Supreme Court without any experience as a judge?

Despite White House denials, this is very much a "stealth candidate" nomination. There's no paper trail for Congress to analyze, and much of her work for the President will be protected by Presidential privilige.

This candidacy is doomed.

He should have made a better choice; there are other potential nominees who have strong records of applying the law as written and don't pull the "living document" crap that activist judges are famous for when deciding Constitutional law.

It's doubtful that this candidacy will last very long.

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